Service Standards
SERVER: Introduce yourself and greet Members/guests and remove extra settings Offer beverages and enter order into Jonas Pickup beverages from side station or at bar. »Remember: always use a tray. Deliver correct beverages to correct Members/guests, no auctioning.
Inform your table about the daily specials and answer any questions Members/guests may have. When Members/guests are ready, take their order. Remember: Ladies first and seat numbers. Repeat orders back after each Member/guest orders, not after the entire table has ordered. Ask for Member numbers is Member name is not known by the Team Enter order into Jonas immediately Mark the tableas necessary Check your table and practice table maintenance. - Refill beverages, collect straw wrappers, and collect empty sugar packets, dirty plates, used silverware and crumb/wipe ifnecessary. Assist withdelivering food items. » If you are unable to assist in delivering, be present at table when food arrives. Ensure your Members/guests have all items they may need and all requests are fulfilled Perform first table check Perform second table check » If Breakfast or Lunch time, after offering coffee or lunch desserts: “Here’s your check for your convenience. Should you need anything else, please let me know.” After Members/guests are finished, clear table leaving only the centerpiece on the table. » If more than three guests, you should have assistance clearing the table. Present dessert menu, offer coffee service and after dinner beverages. »If Members/guests refuse, deliver check. » If Members/guests order coffee, dessert and/or after dinner beverages, repeat order back to each guest. Enter into Jonas immediately. Deliver coffee and mark table in preparation for dessert service. Assist with deliveringdessert items. » If you are unable to assist in delivering, be present at table when dessert arrives. Refill coffee until Members/guests refuse. Clear table and refill any beverages. Present check, give fond farewell and thank them
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