18 Hole Yearbook - 2023

Section 5. FIRST VICE PRESIDENT: In the absence of the President, the First Vice President shall perform her duties; shall act as a member (Ex Officio) with the President on all committees, with the exception of the Nominating Committee. She shall be responsible for the Association Yearbook – compiling and printing. She shall also serve as Chairman of the Member Guest Tournament. She shall submit a detailed schedule of the yearly golfing events calendar to the Board of Directors for approval. Section 6. SECOND VICE PRESIDENT: The Second Vice President, in the absence of the President and the First Vice President, shall perform their duties. She shall automatically hold the office of Tournament Chairman. She shall post and report all changes in U.S.G.A. or Local Rules and Handicaps. She shall help supervise the duties of the Play Day Chairman and help with end of the year award calculations and award specified year-end prizes. Section 7. SECRETARY: The Secretary shall keep the records of all meetings of the Association and the Board of Directors and be responsible for all papers and correspondence and updating the AACWGA webpage with the most current updates and changes to the Policy and Procedure Manual, Constitution changes, and any By-law changes. Her term may be two years. Section 8. TREASURER: The Treasurer shall receive all monies and keep an accurate account of same. She shall keep a correct roll of members of the Association, together with their standing in the Association concerning the payment of dues, fees, etc. She shall deposit all funds received in the name and to the credit of the Association in a bank of her choice and shall pay out all monies as directed and

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