18 Hole Yearbook - 2023
BY-LAWS ARTICLE 1 – POWERS AND DUTIES OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS Section 1. Two-thirds of the Board of Directors must be present and voting at a meeting to constitute a quorum. Section 2. All Officers and Chairmen of Standing Committees shall be full members of the association and be voting members of the Board of Directors, with the exception of the President and Chairman of the Board. In the event of a tie, the President has the deciding vote. Section 3. CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD: Automatically the retiring President. She shall be Chairman of the Nominating Committee working with two (2) members appointed by the President to prepare a slate of Officers and Standing Committee Chairmen to be voted on at the Closing Brunch. She shall serve as Parliamentarian and be responsible for the retiring President’s gift. She shall also be responsible for sending sympathy and get-well cards. Section 4. PRESIDENT: The President shall have general management and supervision of the current affairs of the Association; shall preside at all meetings of the Association and of the Board of Directors; shall make reports of any matter which, in her judgement, may be of import or benefit to the Association, and shall carry out to the best of her ability the decisions of the Board of Directors; shall be a member (Ex-Officio) of all Committees, except the Nominating Committee, and shall have the power to appoint any special Committee not otherwise provided for in the Constitution. She shall also serve as a member of the AAC Golf Committee.
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