18 Hole Yearbook - 2023

ARTICLE V – DUES AND FEES Section 1. The annual dues of this Association and the entry fees for non-association members for all Tournaments sponsored by this Association shall be determined by the Board of Directors. ARTICLE VI – MEETINGS Section 1 . The Association shall meet twice yearly – these meetings shall be known as an Opening and a Closing Brunch. Section 2. A majority of the members present, and voting shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of any business at the Opening and Closing Brunch. Unless the Executive Board agrees otherwise. Section 3. Special meetings shall be subject to the call of the President, with at least one week’s prior notice. ARTICLE VII – AMENDMENTS Section 1. All amendments to the Constitution must be posted on the Atlanta Athletic Club Ladies’ Locker Room Bulletin Board at least one month prior to voting. Section 2. Amendments to the Constitution may be made at an annual meeting or special meeting of the Association, by a vote of at least two-thirds of all members present. Section 3. The By-Laws of the Association may be changed or modified on the recommendation of the Board of Directors at any called meeting, with at least one week’s prior notice. A simple majority of those members of the Association present and voting shall constitute a quorum.

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