Service Standards

TO-GOSERVICE: TAKING AN ORDER Phone rings All phone calls must be answered within three (3) rings Answer the phone with a smile and a warm and welcoming tone Ensure you are using proper verbiage If a Member/guest wants to place a food order to go »Write down “Delivery/Pick -up time” on Restaurant To Go Order Sheet »Write “Order Taker” name on Restaurant To Go Order Sheet Suggestive Sell and explain in detail the daily specials Make suggestions that help undecided Members/guests through the ordering process and help others make their meal complete » Don’t forget to use adjectives and descriptive words to explain food and beverage items »Our ceviche of the day is especially light and refreshing. Chef has created a wonderful recipe of Mahi-Mahi with orange, avocado, jalapeño, cucumber, red onion, radish, cilantro and citrus. It’s the perfect combination of summer and a subtle zingy taste!” »Note, some Members/guests may not want to hear the specials as they will know exactly what they want to order Write order down on the Restaurant To Go Order Sheet

Repeat order back to Member/guest Repeat back desired delivery time slot

Add any extra notes and comments in the “Additional Information” box Ask the Member/guest for a contact number and a member number Enter order into POS Double checkorder is correct Send order PREPARING THE ORDER - FOOD RUNNER As the order comes up check each item against the yellow ticket to ensure the accuracy After all items are ready, fill out and complete “Restaurant To Go Checklist”

Get the host or order team to contact the member letting them know that their order is rea for pick up DELIVERING THE ORDER - HOST /HOSTESS /ORDERTAKER Write the name of Food Runner who Inspected the To Go Order on the Restaurant To Go Or Sheet

»Check or write down any Dressing(s) provided »Check or write down any Condiment(s) provided »Check or write down any Extra(s) provided »Check Final Check items »Write your name next to “Personally Inspected By” Staple order form tobag Bring To Go Order to the pick-up area

Write the name of the team member who delivered the order Let the driver on duty know that the order is ready to be delievered

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