Service Standards
Personal Goals Update
• Evaluate Key Performance indicators and determine additional metrics to measure efficiencies in the Athletics Department. • A minimum of one KPI to be added for each department by August. o Met objective - At least two KPI’s have been added for each department • Continue to engage with the Vision Committee on a long range plan for Fitness, Spa, Aquatics, and youth activities that meets the needs of the entire membership and sets a new benchmark in the club industry. • Target date of Oct. 1 for completion of initial plan to be reviewed by the membership. o Ongoing – Attended multiple Vision Committee meetings to provide input. Meeting with David and Vision chairs to adjust Fitness center/Spa proposal on Oct. 18 • Create initiatives with CHRO to improve recruitment, onboarding, and retention of team members by September. o Met Objective – With input from CHRO, we have promoted Craig Jolley to Associate Athletic Director. His new role will include assisting with interviewing and hiring for all Athletics departments, and onboarding/training of all Athletics Team members. He will also be working closely with Supervisors/managers on improving customer service and team building. As his role expands we will look to assist other departments club-wide. • Create a comprehensive technology plan to support the processes within the Athletics Department to support service to members by October. o Ongoing – o Meeting with SLT regularly on departmental needs for Club software. o Implementing Microsoft forms to allow managers to spot check and document department standards regularly. o Actively utilizing new work order process to expedite maintenance needs o Beginning process of selecting new cardio and strength equipment for 2024. Technology needs of the members will be a primary focus
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