Rules and Regulations


b. If the main pool is closed due to contamination, the responsible member may be fined up to $2000 and will lose pool privileges for a length of time to be determined by the Executive Committee.

38. Changing tables are provided in each pool restroom. Changing clothes or diapers of small children is prohibited on the pool deck, pool furniture, benches and locker room furniture.

39. No unauthorized athletic equipment is allowed in the Aquatic Center.

40. Radios and other sound devices must have their sound channeled through earphones.

41. Swimming is not permitted in the diving area, unless both diving boards have been closed by the aquatic staff.

42. Misconduct, rowdiness and running will not be allowed. First time violators will receive a warning; second time violators may be asked to leave the pool. In the event it becomes necessary to take further action, the person or persons involved may be expelled for one week. Admission to the pool at the end of that period of time will be allowed only after a meeting with parents, the aquatic staff and the Athletic Director. Action beyond that listed above will be handled by the Board of Directors.

43. Only Coast Guard approved personal flotation devices will be allowed in the pool. NO inflatable floating devices will be permitted. Aquatics staff may prohibit any item deemed unsafe.

44. The Aquatic Center may be closed for special functions such as swim meets, dive meets and Club socials. Members will be informed through signs and publications.

45. The first two lanes of the pool will be closed for adult lap swimming as designated by Aquatics Staff.

46. Children under the age of 13 must be signed in at the front desk by a parent before entering pool, even if accompanied by a sibling or responsible party ages 13 and over. The parent/guardian must leave emergency contact information.


47. Only one person is allowed on either diving board at one time.

48. Do not climb the ladder for the three-meter board or step up onto the back of the one-meter board until the person in front of you has left the board.

49. Do not climb onto the boards from the side. Access to each diving board is from the back only.

50. Each diver must swim to his/her respective ladders; i.e., three meter divers exit to the left; one-meter divers exit to the right. Exit only at a ladder.

51. Diving may not occur until the diver already in the water has surfaced, arrived at the proper ladder and has touched it. Diving also may not occur until the diver beside you has surfaced and started for the proper ladder.

52. The following behavior while on a diving board is prohibited:

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