Rules and Regulations


9. Pace of Play Policy – It is each golfer’s responsibility to keep their group on time and in position on the golf course even if it means picking up or skipping a hole. Under no circumstances is a group allowed to fall behind time and out of position and hold up other groups. Should you encounter a delay on the course, please contact the starter so they can assist. During optimum conditions, lead groups (those with open holes in front) are expected to set a pace of 4 hours for 18 holes. During unusual circumstances (such as carts on path, inclement weather, or tournament play) a grace period may be allowed provided every effort is being made to stay on pace. When appropriate, please let faster groups play through. During peak times the pace of play will be determined according to groups of four. The blue and gold tees are reserved for single digit handicaps. For maximum enjoyment, golfers are encouraged to play forward when appropriate, matching their driving distance with the tees they play. Golfers or groups who have been warned for slow play multiple times may be penalized. 10. Lightning/Dangerous Weather Policy: Atlanta Athletic Club does not offer guaranteed protection against lightning and/or dangerous weather (i.e. sudden lightning strikes). The Club uses an automated lightning detection system that will notify golfers, in most cases, that dangerous weather is approaching. The siren will so und three blasts. At this point, it is the Club’s recommendation that all golfers stop play, return to the Clubhouse immediately and await the all clear signal (one prolonged blast). However, the ultimate decision to continue or resume play will be left to the adult golfer’s discretion. Junior golfers must come in from the courses. Golfers who elect to continue or resume play on their own will do so at their own risk. Golfers who abide by the Club’s recommendation will be given priority positioning when play officially resumes.

11. During a round, when approaching the green, golf cars should be parked on the path in order to expedite play when leaving the green.

12. Starters are employed by the Club to help golfers maintain the pace of play and follow all course rules. Starters are required to report all major rule infractions to the Director of Golf. Major infractions will be forwarded to the Golf Committee for appropriate action.


13. All golf facilities will be closed on Mondays, except for approved Monday outings.

14. Saturday mornings before 12 noon are reserved for designated primary Jones Golf Members ONLY, no spouses or dependents. All members must register prior to starting play and have all appropriate fees billed. 15. When hosting guests, it is the member’s responsibility to check in and register all guest names in the golf shop before starting play or practice. If the golf shop is closed, the night starter will register guests. In the absence of the night starter, the golf services desk (bag room) will register guests. This includes play on Highlands, Riverside, the Par 3 Course or when using the practice facilities. Play may not begin prior to checking in and registering guest names. NOTE: Range plans only cover guest practice on days when a greens fee is being paid. 16. Groups consisting of five or more players are prohibited at all times. Foursomes shall have priority before 2:00 p.m. on Saturdays, Sundays, holidays and during all peak times. During these times, players should endeavor to arrange foursomes by themselves or with the assistance of the starter. The starter shall have full discretion to fill out all groups during peak times.

17. Reserved tee times are available and recommended for both golf courses year round.

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