Club Times: July/August

Nine-Hole Golf News It’s been a spectacular season so far with 9HWGA. Play Days continue to allow for a great time to catch up and admire some incredible golf shots - both our own shots and others! Great Shots! MARCH 27 SUNDAY COUPLES: 1st Place:

A Roaring Good Time! We all absolutely loved ending our 2022 Spring Trip to Reynolds Lake Oconee with a nod to the roaring 20s. A great big thank you to our 2022 Trip Committee for planning such a wonderful time: Jodi Ennis, Kimberly Kemphart & Liz Englert.

Jim & Susan Kiker Don & Nita Scartz Runner-Up: Jeff & Jessica Shaw Tim & Amanda Tyler

MARCH 29 DROP THE 5’S : Front Nine Winner: Kimberly Kephart (-4) Runner-Up: Judy Watson (-3) Back Nine Winner: Beth Towner (-3) Runner-Up: Joyce Best (-2) Upcoming Events JULY 19 Play Day Tee to Green JULY 26 Play Day Best 6 Holes JULY 31 Sunday Couples AUGUST 2 Play Day Odds & Evens AUGUST 9 Summer Sizzle AUGUST 16 Play Day Par 4’s Only AUGUST 23 Play Day Best 5 Holes AUGUST 30 Play Day Blind Holes

Carol Ann celebrating a Hole-In-One on #1 of the Par 3 course! Carol Ann Thomas joins Meredith Couey with a Hole-In-One on the Par 3 course this season.

Play Day & Tournament Winners thru Time of Publication MARCH 15 BEST 5 HOLES 1st Place: Mary Nichols (-5) Runner-Up: Carol Ann Thomas (-4) MARCH 22 BLIND HOLES Highlands 1st Place: Susan Kiker (-5) Runner-Up: Debbie Patterson (-3) Par 3

Jodi Ennis while playing The Cove Hole #2 at The National Reynolds Lake Oconee makes an iron in from 97 yards out on a Par 4.

1st Place: Denise Fisher 18 Runner-Up: Shirley Wok 20

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