Board Book 2023

For the golf courses, we will have stationary carts on Highlands #4 and #14 and we will have roaming carts on Riverside. We have one cart available now and the other cart is being repaired by EZ-GO. Audra is looking for two restaurant managers and five banquet supervisors. Golf Course Maintenance has hired a crew to pull the Poa that has infiltrated the courses. The Men’s Par 3 league began on Wednesday. The clay courts at the tennis center have been resurfaced and we are resurfacing the pickleball courts and getting permanent nets. Communications Report – Ansley Brackin: Ansley reported that she is working on the July/August Club Times. There will be a pull out invitation to the 125 th Gala on Sept. 8. She is updating our photo catalog but still needs to shoot the blue stone at 1898 and the tennis center entrance. She also needs some member service shots at the valet, golf drop, and food service. There has been a problem with the app regarding authentication. Jonas is aware of it and members need to completely close out of the app and open it again to correct the error. Margaret Almand reported that the Grand Slam trophy replicas have returned from the silversmith and they look brand new. This is just in time as we are hosting the GSGA Golf Hall of Fame banquet this Sunday. New Member Development – Kathy Tholen/Erica Smith: Kathy Tholen will be reaching out to some committee members regarding the new members who join this month. Erica said that we would be inviting only those on the external waitlist who have locked in to the Par 3 and Pickleball mixer on Friday, June 16. Committee members are invited to participate. This is to keep them engaged with the Club. The invitations will be sent tomorrow. We will have another new member mixer in November.

Nominations for Approval – ALL: Milford McGuirt asked those who interviewed to give a review of the nominated members.

On a motion by Laney and second by Shepherd, approval was given to Mrs. Erin Masters as a Heisman member.

On a motion by Laney and second by Delan, approval was given to Mr. Clayton Assenmacher as a Legacy Jones member.

On a motion by Gober, second by Brubaker, approval was given to Mr. Samuel Gillikin as an Associate Jones member.

Mr. McGuirt thanked everyone for conducting interviews. All nominations were unanimously approved by the committee.

In addition, Erica had two requests from members to downgrade to the non-resident category. Mrs. Ashley Macolino. She has moved to Easley, SC and provided all the required

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