Board Book 2023

Membership Committee Minutes

Thursday, May 18, 2023


Chair Milford McGuirt, Vice Chair Larry Delan, Charles Burts (by phone), Blake Gober, Mychelle Travis Andrew Henry, Mike Shepherd, Kathy Tholen, Nancy Buckler, Nick Brubaker, Greg Campbell, Art Karalexis, Gary Laney, Lou Skubic, Richard Staley Abe Doctor, Rick Eiswirth, Nadine Araim, Mitch Bernet, Anthony DePalma, Paul Mannion Erica Smith, Audra Lucas, Ansley Brackin, and Margaret Almand




Call to Order/Approval of Minutes: Erica Smith sent the membership packet to the committee ahead of the meeting. At 5:01 p.m., Milford McGuirt called the meeting to order. Mr. McGuirt asked for approval of the minutes. On a motion by Staley, second by Wilson, the minutes from the April 20, 2023 meeting were approved. Board Report – Milford McGuirt/Larry Delan: Mr. McGuirt reported that the membership task force for the Vision Committee will meet next week and they are reviewing the membership process, categories and size. They have made many changes to the documentation and process. Next they will consider membership size, caps and utilization. Larry Delan continued with the board report. The Club will be using the Kamado Joe grill on the Troon lawn on Thursdays and Fridays to take pressure off the Troon kitchen. The Troon kitchen is very busy with the Men’s Grill and loun ge business. They will offer a new menu on May 23 so that the most popular dishes are not coming from the same line. We will have two roaming bev carts and two stationary (one being the halfway house). Currently, one bev cart is broken and is being repaired. The drainage project on Highlands is complete. The East Lake Sunset Soiree was a great event. Bruce Barfield and Chad Parker, GM at East Lake, have been working together to strengthen the relationship between our two clubs. We will have more events to celebrate our 125 th anniversary. Club Manager Report – Audra Lucas: Audra reported that we had 1079 for Mother’s Day and it did not sell out. We had 850 adults, 182 children. The Kamodo Joe will be offered on Thursday and Friday nights with a different special each week. This will include the soup and salad bar. Jimmy Cole and Lukus Harvey have completed the Tennis Center project. We have hired an Assistant Aquatics Director, Collin Krull-McTeer. We also hired a new CFO, Matt Simmons, and a new CHRO, Joel Meyers. Both will begin in early June. Audra is focused now on opening the pool. This summer at the pool, we will be offering food and beverage ordering from our AAC app. The lounge chairs will have numbers on them and servers will bring your order to your chair. There will be kinks to work out. We have a soft opening this weekend with buffets offered and then we open for the summer Memorial weekend. We will take reservations for Monday, Memorial Day as well as July 4 th and Labor Day. We will also have hand held POS tablets for cocktails servers at the pool.

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