18 Hole Yearbook - 2023

HANDICAP GUIDELINES Net double bogey will replace equitable stroke control (ESC). Net Double Bogey = Double Bogey + any handicap strokes a player is entitled to receive based on their Course Handicap. There is no limit to the number of holes reduced to your maximum score

REGULAR PLAY DAYS The Pro Liaison will make a decision in case of inclement weather.


TOURNAMENT FORMATS For all AACWGA Events and Tournaments, a maximum handicap of 36 will be used to determine winners. To be eligible to compete in the Handicap and Championship Tournaments, a member must have played in at least three (3) AACWGA events for that calendar year. Opening Day and Closing Day Tournament: • $10 Entry Fee billed to member’s account. • Mulligans, Miracle Putts can be sold for monies to be added to winners’ awards. • Format will be a scramble, (Ft. Lauderdale or Ft. Lauderdale Step Aside), as determined by the 2nd VP/Tournament Chairman.

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