18 Hole Policies and Procedure Manuals

ATLANTA ATHLETIC CLUB 18 Hole WOMEN’S GOLF ASSOCIATION POLICY AND PROCEDURE MANUAL Pro Shop Liaison The Pro Shop Liaison will assist with their assigned responsibilities to the AACWGA 18 Hole organization throughout the golfing season. Responsibilities include: Communication to AACWGA 18 Hole Board, Seasonal Planning, Play Days, Events, Tournaments, Communications to All Members, Pro Shop Gift Certificates, Posting of Scores, End Of The Year Calculations and Management of the current Pro Shop approved Golf Statistic/Communication Application. I. GENERAL DUTIES A. Act as the Golf Liaison for the AACWGA 18 Hole organization. B. Work with the different AACWGA 18 Hole Board Members and Tournament Chairs in planning and executing the AACWGA 18 Hole golf play days, events and tournaments. C. Ensure all golf details the Pro Shop Liaison is responsible for are timely and properly managed. D. Accurately manage the current Pro Shop approved Golf Statistic/Communication Application. E. Adhere to all AACWGA 18 Hole Rules and definitions as found in the AACWGA 18 Hole Yearly Directory. F. Help facilitate the Golf Rules Clinic at AACWGA 18 Hole Opening Brunch. G. Communicate any updated Golf Rules to the AACWGA 2 nd VP throughout the golfing season. H. Assist with End Of The Year Award Calculations. II. RESPONSIBILITIES A. Communicate to the AACWGA 18 Hole President any golf information that is pertinent to know throughout the golfing season. B. Meet with AACWGA 18 Hole Board/Committee to review seasonal golf calendar and determine details for the year. C. Stay in close contact with the Play Day Chair throughout the golfing season to ensure accuracy with all the details of the Wednesday Play Days. D. Work with the Tournament Chairs throughout the year to ensure all the accurate details of the Tournaments are identified and executed properly. E. Adhere to all AACWGA 18 Hole Rules and Definitions as found in the AACWGA 18 Hole Yearly Directory (An updated copy will be given to you each new year) (Below are a few of the standouts) a. Absolute Rule: A MAXIMUM HANDICAP of 36 is all that is allowed, regardless of the actual handicap. Be sure a Max handicap of 36 is all that is allocated on any scorecard where applicable. b. A Total of 8 members must play and complete 18 holes for the play day to count. c. Director of Golf/Pro Shop staff will make the decision to call off play during inclement weather along with consulting the Play Day/Tournament Chair. d. Post ALL allowed scores played during an official AACWGA 18 Hole event for each member to GHIN and to the current Golf Statistic Application being used. e. Net Double Bogey scoring where applicable. f. All format sheets should include the Tournament Chair, Committee Members, and always the 2 nd VP. g. Slow players who fall behind must let following players through. Penalty for undue delay is loss of hole in match play and 2 strokes in stroke play. h. If two games are offered on a particular play day, you must declare on the score card the game you are electing to participate in. Failure to declare, will disqualify you from that play day. i. To be eligible to compete in the Handicap or Championship tournaments, a member must have played in at least 3 AACWGA 18 Hole events that calendar year. j. On Play Days, players may take an 18 inch putt as long as the game being played is not LG/LN or Fewest Putts. Putters should be marked by the bag room staff at 18 inches. If a player does not have a marked putter, they may use another member’s mark to measure. If no one in the group has a marked putter, the player must putt out.


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