18 Hole Policies and Procedure Manuals


The Publicity Chairman shall be responsible for compiling all Association publicity for the Club Times. She will be a member of the Tournament Committee and shall maintain the bulletin board in the ladies locker room. She will also be the Administrator for the AACWGA 18 Hole Face Book Page. Her term shall be January to December 31. I. GENERAL DUTIES A. Maintain the 18-Hole bulletin board in ladies locker room. D. Maintain, Post and grant access to members to the AACWGA 18 Hole Face Book Page. E. Prepare a year-end report in triplicate prior to the Closing Brunch. (One for the President, Secretary and the Publicity Chairman’s Notebook.) II. TIME TABLE A. Ongoing - Maintain the 18-Hole bulletin board in the ladies locker room 1. Review bulletin board monthly for clean up and updating needs. 2. The board should be divided into the following sections: a. Birthday’s b. Play Day and Tournament Winners c. General Information and Miscellaneous 3. Post pictures to the AACWGA 18 Hole Face Book page, maintain and grant access to new members. B. As needed - Serve as official photographer for the Association. Designate someone to take pictures if you cannot attend. Pictures should record all tournament winners, a composite of the Board of Directors, special pictures of interest from the Opening Brunch/Lunch, and Closing Brunch, tournaments and any special events, awards, or recognitions. It is helpful to obtain a list of tournament winners from the Pro-Shop Liaison. C. Monthly - Compile all Association publicity for the Club Times. Usually include one picture of things such as the new Board, Christmas Party, tournament winners, and Team Play winners. Review all items with the President before submitting for publication. Submit articles for the Club Times to the AAC Communications Director in accordance with their time frame guidelines. D. End of Season 1. No later than the Closing Brunch., submit copy of year-end report to the President and Secretary. Also submit all outstanding bills to the Treasurer for reimbursement or payment. 2. If you have any recommended P&P updates, please document and present to the Board during the first Board meeting of the new year. 3. Between the Closing Brunch and the first Board meeting of the new year (which is usually held in early December) , meet with your successor, and turn over all records to her so she can review prior to the Board meeting. B. Serve as official photographer for the Association. C. Submit all Association publicity for the Club Times.

Effective March 2000 Revised January and November 2001 Revised April and November 2004 Revised 2014

Revised January 2019 Revised January 2022 Revised December 2023

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