The Club Times: May/June
Save-The-Date! LTA Member/Guest
2023 - 24 Tennis Committee We are blessed to have the leadership of our tennis committee lead by Kevin Case and Randy Moore for the upcoming year. They are both avid tennis players and will be representing the tennis department at the board level. We also are excited to have Tory Whipple, Connie Lussier, Debi Doverspike, Nancy Geraghty, Caroline Dorsey, Robert Luskin, Tim Klespies, Edward Koller, Alex Marchetti, and Dave Strickland serve on the committee. I am excited about the start of the new year and all we have planned for the year. These volunteer members are representing you and I hope you will support them as we go through the year.
Memorial Day Davis Cup Challenge May 29 at 9 a.m. This is an exciting tennis event where players are assigned to a team representing a Davis Cup country. You will compete at your level against players of like ability. Doubles and mixed doubles will play in a flexible round robin format. Each game won by competitors will go towards the total team score. Play begins at 9:30 a.m. and concludes at noon, allowing time for you to attend and be ready for other key club events. The cost for this year’s event is $45 per person. Hurry to register as this event continues to be a sell-out! Visit our website’s event calendar to register or call the Tennis Center 770-368-7740.
AUGUST 17 and 18 This event format is a one-day event, however due to its popularity, we host different flights (levels) on two separate days. The experience is the same for both days, fun competitive tennis, and a fabulous luncheon, with both days starting at 9 a.m. The LTA Member/Guest is one of our most popular events and is always a sellout. We want to thank, in advance, our Ladies Tennis Association leaders who make it such a success every year. Get ready and find a partner for this year’s LTA Member/Guest. We encourage all levels to participate. Registration for both events will open June 17 on the club’s event calendar beginning at 8 a.m.
Ladies Night May 2 and June 6 | 7 – 9 pm We invite ladies of all levels to join us for a fun
round robin the first Tuesday of every month in the Spring and Summer months, from 7 to 9 p.m. This is a very social night for members and guests to enjoy a night out. Cost is $20 for members and $25 for guests, snacks and wine included. Summer Dates to sign up for Ladies Teams
ALTA Senior Women: Deadline is April 11 Matches take place on Thursdays at 6:30 pm First week of matches: June 1 Last week of matches: July 13
USTA 18 & over Sunday Business Ladies: Deadline is May 10 Matches take place on Sundays at noon First week of matches: June 4 Last week of matches: July 16 NO matches on Sunday, August 13th in case of playoffs USTA 40 & over Tuesday Weekday Ladies: Deadline is May 16 Matches take place on Tuesdays at 9:00 am
First week of matches: June 6 Last week of matches: July 25 NO matches on July 4 USTA 40 & over Tuesday Business Ladies: Deadline is May 16 Matches take place on Tuesdays at 6:45 pm First week of matches is June 6 Last week of matches is July 25 NO matches on July 4
USTA 18 & over Thursday Ladies: Deadline is April 17 Matches take place on Thursdays at 9:00 am
First week of matches: May 18 Last week of matches: July 13 NO matches on May 25 and July 6
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