Service Standards

What we need to overcome: -

I didn’t cause the problem so I shouldn’t have to deal with it - Situation is uncomfortable, so I want to get rid of the problem quickly - The member is wrong, unfair, trying to take advantage of me - The member is rude and does not deserve polite treatment - The negative emotions are contagious and make me want to act the same way - I don’t know what to do, so I become defensive Don’t become defensive, in most cases you are not at fault! Realize that the person’s anger has little to do with you, but you have an opportunity to turn their day – and their problem – into something positive! Opportunity resolution – L.E.A.R.N L isten – Actively listen. Let the member vent. Take the time to truly understand the issue. Often, simply rephrasing the issue in your own words will make them feel that you really understand. E mpathize – Empathy is the ability to understand another person’s emotions and show that you understand their point of view . “I can understand how that would upset you” A pologize – say I’m sorry, take ownership. “Let me help you to resolve this” R eact – Fix it. Agree on a reasonable solution with the member. Either it can be taken care of immediately or guarantee to follow-up once the problem is solved N otify – share the information with others who can assist. Make sure managers are aware. We want all employees to be EMPOWERED – have a sense of urgency in resolving the issue. Do what it takes to correct the issue and make sure to follow-up with the member (even if it is a problem we cannot fix) Service “Wheels” Each position within the Athletics department requires a combination of exceptional customer service and commitment to performing our duties at the highest levels. This is a continuous process and is never complete, thus the analogy of a wheel. If one “spoke” or duty fails, then the wheel cannot keep turning.

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