Rules and Regulations


members must pay for all amounts that they have been billed and for which they have received a statement.

Members whose accounts are delinquent for a period of 30 days will be dropped from membership, pursuant to notice delivered or mailed by first class, certified or registered mail to the last address shown on the records of the Club. At its discretion, the Board of Directors may re-elect, through regular channels, members who have been dropped for non-payment of account. A member will be charged a maximum of $100.00 for the first reinstatement and a maximum of $250.00 for the second reinstatement. In addition, a member whose account has been dropped three times will not be eligible for reinstatement. 30. A Member must tender their resignation in writing by the 15th of the month to be eligible to resign on the last day of that same month. The member’s account must be current and the final statement must be paid by the 15th of the following month. If the account is not paid in full by that date, the resignation is void and dues will continue to be incurred. 31. A charge of $35.00 will be assessed for any checks that are returned for insufficient funds. Additionally, a check written in payment of a member’s account that has been returned for insufficient funds will be considered a non-payment of the account and, if applicable, a 10% late fee will be assessed. Members whose checks are returned for insufficient funds TWICE during a twelve-month period will be required to pay their accounts either with a cashier’s check or with cash for at least the succeeding twelve months following the month in which the second check is returned. RETURNED CHECKS


32. Heisman Field is owned by the Club and only members may use the field for exercise and walking their dogs. Members’ car transponders will allow them in the gate. We ask that members park their car facing 141. All dogs must be kept on a leash. This is also an ordinance of the City of Johns Creek. Any member whose dog is off the leash and the dog causes harm or injury to another dog or member, it is the responsibility of the dog owner to pay for medical bills caused by such injuries. The Club reserves the right to prohibit the use of the field by a member who repeatedly does not follow the dog leash law. It also reserves the right to fine the offending member.

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