Rules and Regulations


7. Members are responsible for their guests at all times and must insure guests know and adhere to appropriate club rules regarding facilities use, dress and decorum.

8. Guests who are the significant other of unmarried members must be registered with the Membership Director in order to enjoy the facilities of the Club in the presence of the member, without payment of guest fees, as long as they are accompanied by the member.

9. An accompanied guest (the guest of any AAC member) cannot visit the Club more than a cumulative total of eight times per year for golf, tennis, fitness center and spa.

10. Should a member wish to have an unaccompanied guest (when the member cannot be present) he/she may contact the appropriate department manager to request access for their guest which entitles the guest to use that area of the club with applicable guest fees. All billing must be to the member’s account. A member may host an unaccompanied guest a maximum of four times in a calendar year.


11. The Club name, membership roster and facilities will not be used by an individual or organized group within or outside the membership to sponsor or organize activity of any type, to solicit the membership for any purpose or to post advertising of any natu re. The Club’s mailing list , e-mail addresses, and phone numbers are confidential and management is not authorized to release this information without Board approval. Members are asked not to share phone numbers or emails in this roster with anyone who is not a member.

12. Club members shall be responsible for any property of the Club which is broken or damaged by them, their spouses or family, or their guests.

13. Periodicals provided by the Club for reading purposes shall not be removed from the Club’s premises by members, their spouses, families or guests.

14. Atlanta Athletic Club is not responsible for any and all personal property or property damage occurrences within the property boundaries by any party whatsoever.

15. Checkroom facilities are furnished without charge as an accommodation to members and guests. The Club is not responsible for lost or stolen articles.

16. No animals or pets will be allowed on the Club premises, except as provided under the Americans with Disabilities Act.

17. By entering Club grounds all parties irrevocably consent and authorize recordings and photographs for use in any and all media.

18. Please park in lined spaces only. The front of each building should be used for picking up and dropping off members. Handicapped spaces are provided for those vehicles displaying a handicapped sticker. A fine of $25.00 will be assessed for illegal parking. Repeat violators will be subject to disciplinary action.


19. In order to enter through the front gate, all members, spouses and dependents must display a current member vehicle decal on the left front headlight.

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