Rules and Regulations


Rules – General


Below are the rules established by the Board of Directors for members, spouses, dependents, and guests. Rules are established so that all may enjoy the Club with the same expectations. Violators of rules will be subjected to discipline by the Board of Directors which may include fines, suspension and up to and including expulsion.


1. Members’ spouses shall have Club privileges on such a basis as shall be determined from time to time by the Board of Directors. As the membership is owned solely by the member, a member may impose such restrictions and limitations on the use of the Club and its facilities by such member’s immediate family, including his or her spouse, as such member may elect, the detail of such restrictions and limitations to be set forth in writing and delivered to the General Manager. The Club shall use reasonable efforts to enforce such restrictions and limitations, but the Club assumes no responsibility for any violation of such restrictions or limitations, and the member at all times remains responsible for the timely payment of all charges made to the member’s account whether or not made in violation of such member’s elected restrictions and limitations. In the event of a divorce, the member shall deliver to the General Manager within seven (7) days a copy of the final divorce decree or similar evidence substantiating the divorce in order to establish that the former spouse is no longer part of the member’s immediate family. 2. Members’ unmarried children under the age of 25 are entitled to all privileges of the Club, subject however, to such limitations as prescribed by the Board of Directors. Limitations may include specific hours for use of the golf courses, tennis courts, aquatic and athletic facilities. Such children have the privileges of the dining rooms and may attend Club functions. All children, regardless of age, will be charged for food ordered in all dining outlets. Persons less than 21 years of age are not permitted in the Interlachen lounge or men’s grill. 3 . Members’ unmarried children, under the age of 25, are permitted to bring guests to the Club. However, unless it is a pre-approved special or organized event, dependent children are limited to three (3) guests per visit. This applies to all areas and departments, and is irrespective of applicable guest fees. DEPENDENTS-CHILDREN

4 . Parents are at all times responsible for the proper conduct of their children on the Club premises.

5. Unaccompanied children of members are subject to specific rules for the Athletic Center and Aquatic Center. In regards to all other areas of the Club, children under the age of 13 are not to be left alone unless approved as a qualified junior golfer, swimmer or participating in a junior golf or tennis program or other Club sponsored and supervised activity.


6. When hosting guests, it is the member’s responsibility to check in and register all guest names with Security and at the appropriate reception areas including the Golf Shop, Tennis Center, Fitness Center & Spa, Aquatics Center, and Clubhouse.

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