Rules and Regulations
7. Reservations for outside matches may be made seven days in advance. Reservations for indoor matches must be made in accordance with normal indoor reservation rules (48 hours).
8. Regular guest fees will be charged for scrimmages.
9. Prior to starting scrimmages and practice matches, a list of members to be charged must be presented by the captains to the desk attendant.
10. Scrimmages and practice matches are limited to two courts. Upon arrival, if additional courts are available, they may be used but must be relinquished upon request.
11. Courts for team matches will be reserved at the beginning of the season upon the captains submitting a copy of the team’s schedule to the Pro Shop.
12. Team matches are limited to (2) two INDOOR courts. Upon arrival, if an additional court is available outside, it may be used by reserving it with the Tennis staff. Team matches OUTDOOR are limited to (3) three courts. Upon arrival, a fourth court may be reserved if available.
13. T2 league and K-Swiss matches may be pre-booked up to 3 weeks in advance on OUTDOOR courts and 7 days on the INDOOR courts . ONLY IF FULL SCHEDULE IS PROVIDED.
14. For home make-up matches, teams can book up to two courts one week in advance with no guest fee.
15. AWAY make up matches played at the AAC are subject to normal court booking guidelines (48 hours). Members can book one court no more than 48 hours in advance with a normal guest fee.
16. A home or away make-up match is not an OFFICIAL MAKE-UP MATCH until one hour after the original starting time (10:30 a.m. on Thursday, etc.). Then, and only then, can members begin booking their make-up matches. 17. All teams at the AAC are "captain-run." However, all teams and their captains and/or team mothers must submit to the following Club policies: captains must fill out the special form for the Pro Shop team book, listing their complete roster, schedule, court preferences, etc.
18. The tennis staff shall determine when the courts are in condition for play. At no time shall members interfere with the attendant’s work in putting the courts in condition.
19. The Tennis Director and his staff shall determine the rules of play.
20. All members must observe the rules of tennis etiquette.
21. Proper tennis attire and tennis shoes (no running or basketball shoes) are required.
22. Neither food nor chewing gum is allowed on the indoor tennis courts.
23. Smoking is prohibited in the indoor tennis facility and Summer House.
24. Bathing attire is not allowed in the tennis buildings, including the Summer House.
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