PGA Booklet

GOVERNMENT Support & Engagement While the PGA Championship is years away, the Club has

and emergency services cooperation, sales tax rebates, ease of permitting and licenses required to operate events of this magnitude. ADDI T IONAL PARTNER SH I P S • Partner with PGA of America to leverage its expertise and experience • Form a Governmental Relations Committee comprised on both AAC and non-AAC members with connections to the major city, county, and state officials, and to partner organizations • Form a Strategic Advisory Committee comprised of both AAC and non-AAC members

already accomplished significant preliminary work on areas that are important to the PGA of America. AAC has a plan to seek state government support and local community engagement. AAC has had preliminary discussions with Mark Middleton, a Georgia lobbyist with 25 years of experience, to guide in the state and local government approach. The goal is to have the PGA partner with AAC in a strategic approach. Through these efforts we will endeavor to garner in-kind services, law enforcement

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