Nat Thornton - Georgia Sports Hall of Fame Nomination
WHAT OTHERS SAY ABOUT DR. NATHANIEL THORNTON “The feature of the afternoon and it may also be said the surprise, was… Nat Thornton…the younger brother of Henry and Chance Thornton, and though a lad of not more than 15 years, is easily one of the fastest and surest players on the tennis courts of the south.” -The Constitution, August 6, 1901
“Thornton was one of the very best players ever developed in the south. He was a fine volleyer and could kill lobs as well as any player I ever saw.” – Bryan M. Grant Sr. father of Bitsy Grant
“Thornton… is a player of the volleying style, being one of the best net and volley players in the south. His terrific smashes at the net and also from lobs at almost any point on the court are his chief point winners.” - Carl Taylor, writing in the Atlanta Constitution, September 10, 1915
“… Nat Thornton, winner of more cups, trophies, goblets, and what have you than any other living man, woman or child tennis player residing below the Mason-Dixon Line, announce(d) definitely that the title he won so gloriously last year in the partnership affair will go begging.” -Whitner Cary, writing in the August 19, 1928 Atlanta Constitution “It looks like a great year for the Atlanta players. There seems to be nobody in sight who can stop Nat Thornton in the singles or Thornton and Carleton Smith in the doubles.” If Thornton and Smith win the doubles and are sent to Chicago for the national doubles elimination, they will show the Northerners the most brilliant tennis team that ever came out of the south.” – Percy Whiting, writing in the Atlanta Georgian, July 3, 1912 “To see Nat Thornton and his famous overhand in action for the first time one must turn back the pages of history to an even more ancient vintage than Smith. It was in the dark ages of 1906 that his name was first put on Southern championship silverware, but since then the two words “Nat Thornton” have been the frequent subject of the engraver’s skill.” -Whitner Cary, writing in the Atlanta Constitution, April 17, 1927
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