Member Brochure 2022
• The primary sponsor contacts the AAC Membership Director, Erica Smith to begin the nomination process. The Primary Sponsor and two (2) Endorsers must be member for a minimum of a one (1) year before being eligible to nominate a new member candidate. Of the three (3) sponsors, one must be a member for a minimum of five (5) years. • The primary sponsor writes a letter of recommendation on behalf of the candidate. The requirements of this letter will be given to the primary sponsor. • Upon receiving the letter of recommendation, the Membership Director provides the primary sponsor the membership documents, nomination form, and the two endorser attestation forms. • If an External Waitlist exists, the candidate for membership must complete the Initiation Fee Lock-In form. This form along with the completed sponsorship materials from each of the three (3) membership sponsors must be return to the membership in order for the candidate to be added to the external waitlist. • The Membership Director will notify the candidate for membership on the waitlist, and their primary sponsor, as soon as space is available and the AAC Nomination Process can begin. • The Membership Director is to be provided the completed Proposal for Membership along with a non-refundable nomination fee of $1000 (not required of those applying for Legacy membership). Action will not be taken on any proposal for membership until all necessary documents are provided to the Membership Director. All documents are due in the membership office no later than 60 days from the date on the proposal. • Once the background check and the credit check are completed, the Membership Director initiates nominee posting in the clubhouse as well as on the AAC website for a period of no less than 30 days. • The Membership Director arranges a candidate interview event which is to include the nominee, spouse (if applicable), and one member each from the Board of Directors and the Membership Committee. This event can take different forms, depending upon the situation. • Upon the expiration of 30 days from the date of posting and the receipt of all relevant nomination documentation, the file is reviewed by the Membership Committee during the next scheduled monthly meeting. The Membership Committee determines whether to approve or disapprove of the nomination and conveys their recommended action to the Board of Directors. • If approval is recommended by the Board of Directors, the nominee is notified of the Board’s decision by the Membership Director and they are scheduled to meet for an orientation. • The new member and spouse will be invited to attend an upcoming New Member Orientation & Dinner along with the primary sponsor and spouse. This is an important event for the new member to meet members of the Board of Directors, Membership Committee and other new members. Therefore, attendance is required and should a new member miss the first reception they must attend the second reception or membership privileges may be affected.
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