Flight Book - Country Club Safari

The AAC Women’s 18 Hole Golf Association Country Club C S A F A R I The 2021 Invitational

W e l c o m e t o t h e S a f a r i !

Hall Bickmann Kathy Brantley Peggy Burke Wendy Caplan Heidi Cohen Nancy Coleman

Greenville Country Club St Ives Country Club

Horseshoe Bend

Frenchmans Reserve The Standard Club

Country Club of the South Dolphin Head Golf Club

Julie Conley

Jan Cross

Westlake Golf Club

Jane Duggan

Ansley Golf Club

Sue Farina

Country Club of the South Cherokee Town & Country Club

Roberta Foley Paige Freeman Laura Freese Joan Gifford Susie Goode Carole Goodwin Muriel Holland Kathleen Lovett Diane Mazurczak Connie McKie Michelle Lloyd-Jones

Druid Hills Golf Club

Tour Partners Club of Atlanta

Frenchmans Reserve

Cherokee Town & Country Club

Atlanta Country Club

The Standard Club

Cherokee Town & Country Club

Atlanta Country Club Bonita Bay Golf Club

Horseshoe Bend Country Club

Liz Mecure Amy Ramey Joanie Rogge

Ansley Golf Club

Dolphin Head Golf Club Woodmont Country Club Country Club of Roswell

Fredna Schiavone Mary Smotherman

River Pines Golf Club Belfair Country Club The Georgia Club Atlanta Country Club

Sandra Stahlke

Jan Turner

Elizabeth Wallace

Connie West

Cherokee Town & Country Club

T r a v e l e r ’ s I t i n e r a r y Animal print, khaki, or camouflage attire is encouraged!

Monday Evening October 4th 6:00 – 8:30 Welcome Cocktail Party at Camp Curran 9155 Preswick Club Dr, Johns Creek Hor d’oevres & Jungle Juice; Peri-Mutual Betting Pool

Tuesday October 5th 10:30 Base Camp

Player Registration in Club Sterling Miracle Putts for sale

11:00 Light Lunch Buffet Merion Room by Signature (optional) 12:45 Meet on the Putting Green Announcements 1:05 Shotgun Start Tour of The Riverside Serengeti 5:30 -7:30 Cocktail Party, Putting Contest, & Trunk Show 1898 Tent, Golf attire and bring your putter!

Wednesday October 6th 8:00 Light Breakfast

Grab-and-Go Style, Merion Room Veranda: AAC famous grits bar, mini quiches, assorted muffins and fruit cup

Meet on the Putting Green Day two instructions Shotgun Start Tour of the Great Highlands Outback



Luncheon & Awards 1898 Tent


FORMAT TIME: Tuesday 1:05 p.m. Shotgun. Announcements 12:45 p.m. (putting green) Wednesday 9:00 a.m. Shotgun. Announcements at 8:45 a.m. (putting green) COURSE: Tuesday – Riverside Wednesday - Highlands TEES: Riverside - Black Tee Markers Highlands – Silver Tee Markers FORMAT: Two-best-ball-of-the-Team, Gross & Net. Each of the four players will play their own ball. The best-two-balls on each hole will count towards the score for the hole. Record a Gross Two Best Balls, and a Net Two Best Balls. The gross and net scores may come from the same player. Teams will be flighted by combined handicap index. HANDICAPS: 95% of course handicaps will be used for net scores. Max. of 36. The Handicaps used in this competition are from 9/30/21 and will not be subject to change

RULES: USGA Rules will govern all play, except where modified by local rules. See Local Rules Sheet on inside cover. Rule Reminders: • The (14) club rule is in effect. • All putts that will count for the team score must be holed. LOCAL RULES: Players may take free relief from animals! TIES: In the event of a tie, the USGA Recommended scorecard playoff method will be used to determine winners. PRIZES: Prizes will be awarded to the Low Gross and 1st, and 2nd Net within each flight. COMMITTEE: Sally Green, Beth Davis, Cindy Childers, Catherine Curran, Laura Jackson, Gail Crecelius RULES: Bud Taylor, Dan Shana, Glenn Scapin, John Breedlove, Eric Steele

15% Pro shop discount available on apparel both days Please contact Sally Green If you have questions: 404-281-2845 or sjaint@aol.com

Photos will be available on Face Book at AACWGA following the event.

Flight One T h e E l e phan t s

Team #


Index Golfer


1 Donna Gonsalves Yutta McCants 2 Cindy Chi lders Debbi e Bol ing 3 Mary Waymire Gai l Crecel ius 4 Carol Brocksmi th Sherri e T indle 5 Mel issa Dickens Mychelle Travis

Conni e West Sue Farina

2.3 8.6

6.7 10.3 9.6 14.9 14.7 5.3 16.4 12.0 17.3 15.2

Hall Bickmann Fredna Schiavone

15.5 9.3 14.7 23.5 16.6 17.2 16.3 14.4

Roberta Foley Jane Duggan

Jan Cross He idi Cohen

Sandra Stahlke L iz Mecure

Flight Two T h e Z e bra s

Team #


Index Golfer


1 Sheri Smi th

Paige Freeman Michelle Lloyd-Jones Kathy Brantley Joani e Rogge

13.7 14.5 24.9 19.9 14.7 25.9 22.3 22.2 22.3 19.2

20.5 15.8 12.9 10.3 13.2 18.9 18.8 14.1 23.9 12.4

Laura Jackson

2 Theresa Stewart Ruther Heffernan 3 Catherine Curran Sally Green

Amy Ramey Jul i e Conley

4 Jan Dani els 5 Cheri Amy

Carole Goodwin El i zabeth Wallace Mary Smotherman Laura Freese

Sherry Tennant

Ginny Harrell

Flight Three T h e G i ra f f e s

Team #


Index Golfer


1 Melani e Culver Beth Davis 2 L inda Kirwan Sue Suh 3 Faye Machen Evelyn Vance

18.1 26.1 25.1 21.4 23.3 18.1 24.3 21.1 23.6 27.4

20.2 15.5 14.8 25.4 20.1 27.1 22.0 27.0 28.9 31.8

Kathleen Lovett Holland Muriel Nancy Coleman Conni e McKi e Susi e Goode Diane Mazurczak

4 Kim Looby

Jan Turner Peggy Burke Joan Gi fford Wendy Caplan

Kelly Keeler

5 Karin Bruckert Donna Bai ley

Special Thanks Bud Taylor & Pro shop Staff

Travel Support Team Tournament Tour Guide Pro shop Merchandising Wildlife Park Management Graphics and Photography

Dan Shana

Kristen Everard

Lucas Harvey & staff

Ansley Brackin

Oakley Sutherland & staff


Geneva Giles

Base Camp Concierge Luggage Handlers

Gavin Garner & staff

Chris George

Safari Jeep Tours

Nip Green


Wallaroo Hat Company Vinrella Umbrella in a Bottle Company

A Note from the First Vice President A very special thanks to my Comittee, Beth Davis, Cindy Childers, Catherine Curran, Laura Jackson, Gail Crecelius, and our volunteers, Gail Craine, Janelle Nunley, and Tishe Crumpton.

Thank you all for attending the 2021 AACWGA Invitational!

Sally Green First Vice President

No animals were harmed in the making of this Country Club Safari. All animals seen in this Safari are privately owned and on loan from zoos across the Johns Creek area.

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