ClubTimes January/February 2023

Eighteen-Hole Women’s Golf

Our ladies enjoyed a busy finish to 2022. There were fun competitions and a festive holiday season. Now we look forward to 2023 and celebrating our club’s 125th anniversary. Please join us for the 2023 Season! If you are interested in the 18-Hole Ladies Group, please contact Mychelle Travis at

AACWGA 2022 INVITATIONAL October 25th & 26th, 2022 Thank you to Sheri Smith and her committee for organizing this creative and fun two day event! PAR 3 TOURNAMENT Overall Champion Sally Green & Julie Conley, 31 Flights Dundee Darlings Glenda Strong & Jennifer Jetton, 25 Glasgow Gals Marianne Lassiter & Monica Treadwell, 27 LochNess Ladies Mary Waymire & Patty Dailey, 31 Melrose Misses Peggy Colwell & Ginger Paul,28 BETTER BALL OF PARTNERS HIGHLANDS Overall Low Gross Donna Gonsalves & Shelly White, 70 Overall Low Net Yutta McCants & Lynne Magurno, 61

Flights | 1st Low Net Dundee Darlings Debbie Boling & Fredna

NOVEMBER SUNDAY COUPLES 1st Place Gross +5 Mike and Lisa Justice & Mark and Donna Gonsalves 1st Place Net -12 Wayne and Cheri Amy & Joel and Ginny Harrell 2nd Place Net -7 Charles and Mychelle Travis & Nip and Sally Green Closest to the Pin Brad Stewart #15 32’ 11” Mary Waymire #17 9’ 4”

Schiavone, 65 Glasgow Gals Sheri Smith & Paige Freeman, 62 Lochness Ladies Paula Schlora & Moira Brigman, 61 Melrose Misses Liz Troy & Karen Truono, 65


We had a beautiful afternoon and so enjoyed our lunch. Thank you to Kathy Thomas and her team for organizing this day’s event! 1st Place: Laura Jackson, Cindy Childers, Kathy Turner & Peggy Colwell Closest to the Pin: Hole #4 Elke Sharpenburg 4’5” Hole #15 Glenda Strong 7’4”

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