ClubTimes January/February 2023
Nine-Hole Women’s Golf Welcome to our New President Kim Costello and the Executive Board for the 2023 Season! The Board is busy planning for this upcoming season. Please check your email for the dates and times for our Welcome Coffee and New Member Orientation.
2023 Trips Schedule REYNOLDS LAKE OCONEE
Sunday April 30, 2023 to Wednesday May 3, 2023
PURSELL FARMS Sunday October 1, 2023 to Wednesday October 4, 2023
Jodi Ennis, President-Elect Kimberly Kephart, Linda Bartkow, President Kim Costello and Liz Englert at the White Party after the inaugural 1989 Cup. The 1989 Cup, in commemoration of the year 9HWGA was founded, will be held each year on our Fall Trip. For the inaugural cup, Red and Blue teams were paired off by handicap in a fun, but tough competition. After the first day of play the Red Team was in the lead. Not to be out done, in an outstanding show to gain back points, the Blue Team ultimately won and captured the Cup!
Blue Team: Tina Ballon, Gail Laney , Kimberly Kephart, Melissa Waugh, Kathy Halligan, Liz Englert, Linda Stimson, Mary Angular, Nancy Buckler, Jodi Ennis, & Carol Harms We want to say a very sincere thank you to our past President Kathy Halligan and the 2022 Executive Board! We look forward to another great season in 2023.
Liz Englert, Sue Mangold, Carol Harms, Joanmarie Wilson in our red and blue team theme
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