Club Times: September/October 2022
t e n n i s Rookie Ladies: Fridays at 11 a.m. This class teaches you all the basics of tennis: strokes, movement, vocabulary, and scoring. Get hooked on the game and make new friends to play with. Six weeks of instruction followed by a Friday Play Day where you will get to play a practice match and try out some of our signature CardioTennis games! Rusty Racquets/Intermediate Ladies: Fridays at 10 a.m. This is the final stepping stone before jumping into competitive play. If you’ve played tennis a little and need a refresher or if you’ve just graduated from a couple of sessions of Rookie Ladies, then THIS is your class! The 6-week session will cover the tactics and positioning that you will need to play competitive matches, while re-enforcing the good techniques you already know! FALL I: SEPTEMBER 2 - OCTOBER 14 PLAY DAY: OCTOBER 21 FALL II: OCTOBER 28 - DECEMBER 16 For more information or to sign up, contact Coach Seth (
Tennis Tip THE BEST DEFENSE IS A GOOD OFFENSE? We all know that the overhead smash can be a powerful kill-shot in any tennis player’s arsenal, but if you are on the receiving end, overheads do NOT have to signal the end of the point. Everyone knows a skittish partner who will tuck-tail and run for cover as soon as the threat of an overhead arises. Don’t be that player! Overheads are often difficult to judge, to move to, and to execute, and they can leave the hitter in a vulnerable position. Their eyes must refocus on the court after looking straight up to find the ball, and they are [hopefully] further from the net than when they started. This creates opportunity for the receiver! When you are defending an overhead, take a couple of steps back to give yourself a little extra time, and then do your best to block the ball RIGHT BACK to the person who just hit it. You will often find them unprepared and out of position. Turn their offensive shot back on them. Show them that you aren’t scared and surprise them with a quick return!
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