Club Times January/February 2024

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closes on January 26. We are looking to start a Girls 12U team in addition to our Boys 12U team and Girls 15U team. If you are interested, please email me and I will put you in touch with the team captain. We will need a minimum of 10 girls. Our Boys 18U team won the City Championship and the Girls 15U team reached the City Finals. JUNIOR WINTER SCHEDULE Red Ball – Monday-Wednesday 4:00 – 5:00 pm Orange Ball – Tuesday/Wednesday 4:00 – 5:00 pm Green and Yellow Ball – Monday – Thursday 5:00 – 7:00 pm 6-WEEK SESSION DATES: January 8 – February 15 February 19 – March 28 April 1 – May 9 May 13 – May 30-drop in only PICKLEBALL Coach Enock |

A NOTE FROM: Carmen Garcia Jersild, Ladies Coordinator On the last issue of the Club Times for November/December 2023 we wrote a review on the Tennis Ladies Program in which we congratulated all the teams that made it to the playoffs including the division and Captains names. However, I forgot to include one of our teams and I wanted to make sure that it was mentioned in this issue. This past 2023 Summer USTA season the 4.5 USTA Team Captained by Jessica Orton and Elizabeth Klespies made it to playoffs. They earned well deserved accolades for their accomplishment! JUNIOR TENNIS Coach Patrick | Happy New Year! New Year New Goals! This winter/spring I am looking to move some kids from red ball up to orange ball. If they meet the passing guidelines, I will forego age and move the child up to keep them engaged and progressing. If you feel your child is ready to move up, then reach out and we can test them during or after a clinic to see if they pass or see where they need improvement in-order to move up to the next level. The winter/spring 6-week sessions are listed below. I am flexible with missed clinic practices and allow them to be made up. I just need to know about the make-up ahead of time in order to make sure the clinic day is staffed appropriately, or we have enough space. ALTA/USTA The USTA Junior season begins on January 6. The teams will be mixed gender. The regular season ends on February 17 with playoffs being held on February 24 and City Finals on March 2. ALTA registration for the spring season begins on January 1 and

NEW CLINICS ON NEW COURTS Cardio Pickleball – Mondays 4:15 – 5:00 pm | 5:00 – 6:00 pm Cardio Pickleball – Wednesdays 4:15 – 5:00 pm | 5:00 – 6:00 pm Open Play – Tuesdays 6:30 pm – 9:00 p.m. If you are interested in learning to play Pickleball, join us at Pickleball 101 and 201! These classes run for 4 consecutive weeks for 90-minutes. LEVEL 1: PICKLEBALL BEGINNER CLASS Session Starts Monday, January 8 9:00 am – 10:30 am During the 90-minutes, you will learn the rules, basic gameplay, how to effectively hit the ball, maintain a rally, and keep score. This clinic is only $110 for the full session (4 weeks), and it even includes a PICK LEBALL paddle. By the end of the session, you will have all the funda mental knowledge and skills to start playing. LEVEL 2: PICKLEBALL CLASS Session Starts Monday, January 8 10:30 am – 12:00 pm This class is a 4-week session and each week you will improve and gain new skills by playing a variety of drills. You will learn dinking tech niques, returning of serves, third shot drop, paddle position, block ing at the line, and targeting. We will split up skill levels to maximize learning. The cost for the full 4-week session is $110. NEW: PICKLEBALL CLASSES FOR JUNIORS Fridays: Ages 8 – 10 4:00 – 5:00 pm Fridays: Ages 11 – 14 5:00 – 6:30 pm

CONGRATULATIONS to the Kitchen Kings Team and the Hardy Team for winning the Join Pickleball League Championship. Let’s win again in 2024! Team registration for Join Pickleball leagues closed December 28. Play starts Monday, January 8 and ends Monday, February 19.

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