Club Times 2021 November/December

fitness and nutrition

Pinot and Pilates Thursday, November 11 6:00-7:00 pm


Winter 2021! We are excited to announce the arrival of new cardio equipment, expected early this winter. Our lineup will feature the newest equipment from LifeFitness, Precor, and Matrix, and will include the latest technology in the industry such as bluetooth connectivity, 22 inch LCD screens, and enhanced interactive content to push your workouts to new levels! Once we have a confirmed installation date we will announce dates and times for complimentary introductions on all of the equipment! Thank you for all of your feedback and to the Athletics Committee for assisting in the selections!

Pinot and Pilates will feature traditional mat exercises which consists of low impact flexibility, core strength, postural alignment and muscle balance. It is a great for a full body workout, leaving you feeling strong! . If you are new to Pilates or are a regular, this event is for you! Complimentary wine available at the conclusion of the class! Jingle Bells & Barre Thursday, December 9 6:00-7:00 pm

Jingle all the way through December with our special event featuring one of our most popular classes on the group exercise schedule – Barre! Complimentary holiday drinks and select wines available at the conclusion of the class!

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