Club Times 2021 November/December
SANTA’S SPA DAY Enjoy a one hour massage, one hour facial and one hour regular pol ish manicure/pedicure with a glass of wine for $250 HOLIDAY GLOW Look your best for the hol iday gather ings with a Hydrafacial ! Enjoy a compl imentar y booster upgrade (a $25 value) WINTER REJUVENATION Enjoy a f ree hai rcut with any color ser vice (new cl ients only) or a compl imentar y deep condit ioning t reatment with any cut and color ser vice (exist ing cl ients) Ho l i day Gl ow – Look your be s t for the ho l i day ga the r i ngs wi th a Hydra fac i a l ! En j oy a comp l iment ar y boos t e r upgrade ( a $25 va l ue ) Wi nt e r Re j uvena t i on – En j oy a f re e ha i rcut wi th any co l or s e r v i c e (new c l i ent s on l y ) or a Holiday Specials HOLIDAY BLISS NEED A GREAT GIFT? The Ret reat Spa of fers a wide array of gi f ts for ever yone on your l ist . From LuLuLemon to Barefoot Dreams , Fras ier Fi r candles , Olaplex and Moroccan Oi l , Jane Iredale and so much more! If a gi f t cer t i f icate is what you need, give us a cal l and we can have it ready and wrapped for you to pick up!
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