Club Times: March/April

Book Club Upcoming Reads social and dining

Ladies Bridge Association

The AAC Ladies Bridge Association continues with our weekly SOCIAL BRIDGE on the second and fourth Wednesdays and DUPLICATE BRIDGE on the first and third Wednesdays in the Dot Kirby card room at 3:00 PM until 6:00 PM. Please look for weekly emails from our leaders Beachie Hall, Social Bridge Coordinator, and Cynthia Tanner, Duplicate Bridge Coordinator, to sign up. Social bridge is for those that want to have “fun and exercise your brain” and rotate play with other players. Duplicate bridge is played with a partner. You can sign up with a partner or we can assign a partner for you if there are extra players that don’t have a partner. COUPLES BRIDGE continues the first Friday of each month at 4:00pm. Sandra Evans, Couples Events chairperson, and her husband Tom are great organizers for the event. Sandra sends emails for sign up the Saturday before the scheduled date. Please respond as soon as you can since this fills up quickly. A dinner buffet is immediately following bridge play in the Oakmont Room. Please mark your calendars for our next Spring Social scheduled for Friday, May 6th. This event will be a round robin with lunch. After lunch we will announce the winners of Marathon Bridge that is played throughout the year. We will also announce the new slate of officers to be approved by the membership at this meeting. As a reminder if you are interested in joining the bridge association, please contact M.J. Olsen at or by phone #770-595-8197. Membership forms are located in the Ladies Locker Room on the bulletin board for bridge. We would love to have more ladies join in on the fun.

THE MIDNIGHT LIBRARY by Matt Haig will be the book for Thursday, March 17 and on April 21st we will be reviewing, THE BOOK OF LOST FRIENDS by Lisa Wingate. All women of the club are welcome. We meet at 4:00 p.m. in the Ladies’ Locker Room. If you have any questions please contact

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