18 Hole Policies and Procedure Manuals
E. MARCH 1. Ensure the 1st Vice President will be ready to distribute yearbooks at the Opening Meeting. 2. Plan and prepare the agenda for Opening Meeting to include: a. Invocation b. Program/speakers, after which invited guests are thanked and permitted to leave c. Business Meeting 1) Call to order and greetings. 2) Recognize Past Presidents and new members. 3) Recording Secretary – Reading of the Minutes from Closing Brunch. d. Executive Committee Reports 1) Chairman of the Board
2) 1 st Vice President 3) 2 nd Vice President 4) Secretary 5) Treasurer – budget presentation e. Standing Committee Chairmen Reports
1) Play Days 2) Publicity 3) House 4) Communications 5) Awards 6) Sunday Events 7) Mentor Chairman 8) Pro Shop Liaison
f. Old Business g. New Business – to include budget approval h. Announcements and Door Prizes (if applicable) i. Adjournment
F. APRIL/MAY 1. Begin attending Golf Committee Meetings. 2. Obtain volunteers for the Spring Men’s Invitational. 3. Hold a Mid-Year Board Meeting. 4. Secure volunteers for Men’s Invitational in June. G. AUGUST 1. At least twelve weeks prior to the Closing Brunch, appoint two members to serve on the Nominating Committee alongside the Chairman of the Board. 2. Review the current job performance of all Officers and Committee Chairmen with the Chairman of the Board. 3. Secure volunteers for Men’s Invitational in October. H. OCTOBER 1. Prepare and submit next year’s calendar requests for the Director of Golf. 2. EARLY OCTOBER - Obtain Gifts for President’s Cup Winners and Runner Up 3. Prior to the Closing Brunch, hold a final Executive Board Meeting to discuss raising dues, budget changes, etc.. 4. Prepare a letter to the membership to be emailed four (4) weeks prior to the Closing Brunch/Lunch to include: a. Date, time, location, and contact person b. Express appreciation for retiring Board Members.
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