18 Hole Policies and Procedure Manuals
C. JANUARY 1. Send out an email invitation to the Executive Committee at least two weeks prior for the Budget Committee Meeting. Invite the full Board of Directors for the January Planning Meeting, giving the date, time, and place of the meeting. 2. Budget Committee Meeting – Set budget for the coming year. The 1 st Vice-President should be able to give a fairly accurate estimate of membership dues. This may require a preliminary discussion with the Treasurer. 3. Prepare an Agenda for the Planning Meeting with the Order of Business below. a. Call to Order b. Roll Call c. Reading and approval of the Minutes from the last Board meeting. d. Reports from Executive Committee 1) Chairman of the Board 2) First Vice President - Report status of calendar, membership status and review yearbook information. 3) Second Vice President - Report status of tournament committees. Report current USGA Handicap regulations and any rules changes and date for Rules Clinic. 4) Secretary 5) Treasurer – Present proposed budget for approval. e. Reports from the Chairmen of the Standing Committees 5) Awards Chairman - Review budget amounts and policies covering prizes for each tournament. Report status of inventory of Birdie, Eagle, Hole-in-One, Break 80, 90, and 100 awards. 6) Sunday Events Chairman 7) Mentor Chairman 8) Pro Shop Liaison f. Old Business - Include any Constitution, By-Laws, and/or Procedures Manual changes. g. New Business h. Announcements i. Adjournment D. FEBRUARY 1. Contact Past Presidents and new members to request their attendance at the Opening Meeting. 2. Ensure sign-ups are available 2 weeks in advance of the Opening Meeting and Opening Golf Day. 3. Invite the General Manager, Club Manager, Director of Golf, and Pro Shop Liaison(s) to attend and speak at the Opening Brunch/Lunch. May also invite: Director of Agronomy, Head Golf Pro, and Head Teaching Pro. 4. Have place cards for the Board Members, new members, and special invited guests. 5. Organize, schedule and flight for the annual President’s Cup Tournament in accordance with the procedures documented under the “PlayDay Section” in the Annual Directory and inserted below. 1) Play Day Chairman 2) Publicity Chairman 3) House Chairman 4) Communications
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