18 Hole Policies and Procedure Manuals


ATLANTA ATHLETIC CLUB WOMEN’S 18 HOLE GOLF ASSOCIATION POLICY AND PROCEDURE MANUAL PRESIDENT The President is responsible for the general management and supervision of the current affairs of AACWGA. She shall insure the proper performance of the duties of all Officers and Committee Chairmen. I. GENERAL DUTIES A. Serve as an Ex-Officio member of all Committees and special committees except the Nominating Committee. B. Vote only in the event of a tie on matters before the Board. C. Maintain possession of the AACWGA gavel and President’s Book. D. Schedule and preside at all meetings of the Association. E. Supervise and/or handle all correspondence of the Association. Accept any correspondence addressed to the Association and review with the Board of Directors for response. F. Appoint replacements for Board vacancies and Committee Chairmen vacancies with the approval of the Executive Committee. G. Maintain all records and information contained in the President’s Book. Maintain a timeline list of activities and decisions made during the year to be passed on to the next President. H. Represent the AACWGA as a member of the AAC Golf Committee by attending their meetings beginning April 1 st (following election) and continuing through March 31 st of the next year, to coincide with the Golf Committee year. Prepare a report on association activities and participation in events. If unable to attend, secure another Board member to attend as a substitute. I. Prepare a year-end report in triplicate prior to the Closing Brunch . One copy for the Secretary, one TIME TABLE A. NOVEMBER 1. Announce Locker Room Party and Christmas party at the Closing Brunch. 2. Notify the new Board of the date and location of the Transitional meeting (to be held within two weeks of the Closing Brunch). 3. Update the AAC 18-Holer website. B. EARLY JANUARY 1. Prepare a welcome letter to be emailed after the calendar has been finalized. The letter should include: a. Date and time of Opening Meeting and Opening Day Tournament for the incoming President, and one for the President’s Notebook. J. Organize and be the Chairman of the President’s Cup Tournament. II.

b. Date and time of Rules Clinic c. Membership Application form d. Deadline for Registration

2. Obtain from the Treasurer the bank statements and check/deposit report for audit. 3. Prepare and submit a Presidential letter and updated photo for the AAC website.

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