18 Hole Policies and Procedure Manuals


GOTW “Game of the Week” on a designated course will be offered on Tuesday through Sunday on weeks where there is no official Play Day scheduled. GOTWwill be emailed out to the group. You must sign in with the Pro Shop on that day to compete. Two or more AACWGA18 Hole Members must be playing together. Declaration to compete in GOTWmust be made before teeing off on the first hole. On the score card, list GOTW, full name of two players per card, their handicaps, indicate players in competition (*), sign and date. Cards are turned into the Pro Shop at the end of the round. ALL PLAYERS MUST POST THEIR SCORES INTO THE USGA GHIN APP. IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING PLAY. BETTERNINE Use the best 9, subtracting ½ of handicap. Best front 9, best back 9. CAT FIGHT Subtract handicap from 54 to get points needed. Record both gross score and points earned on each hole as follows: Double Eagle 6 Points, Eagle 5 Points, Birdie 4Points, Par 3 Points, Bogey 2 Points, Double Bogey 1 Point IMPROVE YOUR SCORE Round 1: Each golfer plays her regular round of golf using full handicap. At the end of the round, she discards any holes she thinks she can improve in the second round (the following week). Once a score is discarded, there is no turning back. Round 2: Each golfer plays her regular round of golf again using full handicap but records her net score on the previously discarded holes to complete the overall score for the event. It should be noted that a golfer could discard all 18 holes in Round 1 if she chooses. Additionally, if a golfer cannot play both days, her total net score for the day she did play will be entered in the event totals. FT. LAUDERDALE (also known as SCRAMBLE) Played in teams of four players. Each player hits a drive, and the best drive is selected. Each of the players places her ball as close to selected shot as possible and hits second shot. This sequence is continued until the last putt is holed out. Each player’s drive must be used a minimum of 3 times. LOW GROSS-LOW NET Low Gross is score without handicap. Low net is score minus handicap. MATCH PLAY vs. PAR. Player uses full handicap and takes strokes as they fall on the card. Record both gross and net scores and wins (+), losses (-) and halves (0) against par on each hole. MIXED BAG TOURNAMENT Foursome event. Only net score is used. Par 5 use 1 low net ball. Par 4 use 2 low net balls. Par 3 use 3 low net balls. NASSAU Handicap strokes are taken as they fall on the card. Prizes awarded for the best first nine, the best second nine and the best 18 holes net. 3 x 3 Each golfer plays a regular round using full handicap. At the end of the round, the golfer selects her three best net scores from each of the par 3, 4 and 5 holes for a total 9 hole score. 1 x 4 After the foursome has completed four holes, one best net ball must be used from each player. Repeat through 18 holes. BLIND DRAW COUPLES Blind couples will be drawn before play, not likely the couple you are playing with. Each couple will score one best gross and one best net score, can be the same ball. After play, the pro shop will determine the combined team winners.


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