18 Hole Policies and Procedure Manuals
ATLANTA ATHLETIC CLUB WOMEN’S GOLF ASSOCIATION 18 Hole POLICY AND PROCEDURE MANUAL HOUSE CHAIRMAN The House Chairman shall be responsible for the Opening Brunch, Opening Play Day, Closing Brunch, Closing Play Day, and Christmas party. I. GENERAL DUTIES A. Make reservations and plan menus and all other details for Opening Meeting/Rules Clinic, Opening Play Day, Closing Play Day, and Closing Brunch. B. Coordinate and plan all details for the Christmas Party. C. Prepare a year-end report in triplicate. (One for the President, Secretary, and House Chairman’s Notebook) II. TIME TABLE A. January – Obtain dates for the following events from the President and budgeted dollars from the updated annual budget: 1. Check with the President, Second Vice President/Tournament Chair, and Pro Shop Liaison for details to include in the events and the yearly budgets. Typically, the Opening Meeting and Opening Play Day share the theme, decorations, giveaways, since they are usually back-to-back events, or close to it. The Second Vice President/Tournament Chair VP will work closely with you and your committee. The Opening Meeting/Rules Clinic can be a cocktail appetizer venue, or a Brunch/Lunch meeting, check with the President for her preference, and there is always a luncheon that follows the Opening Play Day. 2. Start planning and meet with your committee and the AAC Members & Events Service Manager to plan the menu, venue, and other details for both the Opening Meeting and Opening Play Day Luncheon. An Extra table is usually needed (for door prizes), a podium and a microphone will be needed at the front of the room for both events. Confirm the last day required for members to RSVP and include on posters and email communications and report back the final number for the final set up and food preparation. 3. Meet with the AAC Marketing Director to create the Poster Board and agenda, and display the Poster Board in the locker room, at least 4 weeks prior to the events. February/March-Opening Meeting/Rules Clinic and Opening Play Day 1. Continue planning with your committee and finalizing all details including decorations, any donated gifts, and door prizes and how the Rules Clinic will be conducted. 2. Ask someone to give the invocation. 3. Coordinate with the Pro Shop Liaison to send an e-mail communication with a sign-up link, at least 3 weeks prior to the events, and send e-mail reminders as the actual date approaches with the Communications Chairman. 4. Print the final sign-up sheet from the sign-up portal for reference at the check in table. 1. Opening Meeting/Rules Clinic and Opening Play Day- March 2. Closing Play Day and Closing Meeting Brunch-November 3. Christmas Party – December B. January/February – Middle January-Opening Meeting/Rules Clinic and Opening Play Day
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