18 Hole Policies and Procedure Manuals
The Communications Chairman shall be responsible for handling any communication designated by the Executive Board and the Play Day Chairman. She shall serve from February through March of the following year. Her term may be two years, which would benefit the Association in terms of continuity. I. GENERAL DUTIES A. Be responsible for all communications as designated by the Executive Board and the Play Day Chairman. B. Maintain a current e-mail list of the membership. Communication shall be done with the current electronic communications application. C. Maintain and Update the On Line Digital Directory with current information and photographs of all Members. D. Prepare a year-end report in triplicate. (One for the President, one for the Secretary, and one for the Communications Chairman’s notebook). E. Take pictures as desired during events to publish in e-mail communications. II. TIMETABLE A. TRANSITION –February shall be a transition month during which the outgoing Communications Chairman shall send out e-mails while the incoming Communications Chair is being trained. B. FEBRUARY – obtain a list of all members and their e-mail addresses from the First Vice President. 1. AACWGA members’ e-mails are entered into the current electronic communications application. Members who did not give an e-mail address on their registration form should be contacted to confirm whether or not they want to receive e-mails. If they do not, they will have to rely on other members for information. 2. The Play Day Chairman is the backup person for communication e-mails in case the Communications Chairman is unavailable. C. ONGOING – All e-mails and information are to be used expressly for AACWGA 18 Hole events and business and should not be used for any type of solicitation. 1. Train the Play Day Chairman on the procedures of sending e-mail to the Association. 2. Distribute messages to the membership as soon as possible after requested. Contact the sender if there are any questions. 3. Notify the Executive Board and the Play Day Chairman if you will be out of town and advise them if you will have access to e-mail, or name someone to serve as your backup if the Play Day Chairman is unavailable. 4. Maintain and update the Online Digital Directory with current information and photographs of all members. III. YEAR-END REPORTS A. Prepare a detailed end of year report to include the name of your backup and any other pertinent information that would help the next chairperson. B. If you have any recommended P&P updates, please document and present to the Board during the first Board meeting of the new year. C. Within one week of the completion of your term, submit a copy of the year-end report to both the President and Secretary, and include one copy in the Communications notebook. Effective March 2001 Revised July 2009 Revised December 2023 Reviewed January 2001 Revised October 2010 Revised November 2001 Revised January 2014 Reviewed April 2004 Revised October 2018 Revised July 2009 Revised January 2022
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