18 Hole Policies and Procedure Manuals

Page 2 F. Ongoing, maintain all permanent trophies. The trophy case key is in the Pro Shop. (See Attachment A) G. Make New Ringer Sheets for any New Members throughout the year. H. After the last Play Day of the season, use the Ringer Sheets to calculate awards and give the results to the Second Vice President prior to the Closing Brunch. • Use the last handicap sheet to calculate the gross and net scores for each member who filled out their ringer score sheet. (Subtract the last handicap used on the last Play day from the Gross Ringer Score to obtain the Final Net Ringer Score for each member) • The same person cannot win both Low Gross and Low Net on the same course. I. In November, give trophies to Second Vice President before Closing Brunch. J. At the end of the season, prepare your year-end report to include the following: 1. Number of participants in Ringer Program 2. Winners of 1 st , 2 nd and 3 rd Low Gross and 1 st , 2 nd and 3 rd Low Net on each course. 3. Any other pertinent information that would help the next chairperson K. No later than the Closing Brunch, complete year-end report. Give one copy to both the Secretary and the President and file one in the Awards notebook. Submit all outstanding bills to the Treasurer for reimbursement or payment. L. If you have any recommended P&P updates , please document and present to the Board during the first Board meeting of the new year. M. After the Closing Brunch, have the permanent trophies engraved with winners’ names: 1. Handicap Trophy 2. Championship Trophy 3. President’s Cup 4. Golfer of the Year Trophy (for case) N. Between the Closing Brunch and the first Board meeting of the new year (usually held in early December), meet with your successor and turn over all records. Ask her to review the records prior to the board meeting so any questions may be addressed at that meeting.

Effective March 2000 Revised January 2001 Revised August 2002 Revised April 2004 Revised January 2014 Revised November 2004 Revised January 2023 Revised December 2023

Revised November 2010 Revised October 2011 Revised January 2013 Revised October 2017 Revised January 2019 Revised January 2022

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