18 Hole Policies and Procedure Manuals

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The First Vice President shall perform the duties of the President in her absence. She shall act as Ex-Officio with the President on all committees except the Nominating Committee. She shall be responsible for membership and for the compiling and printing of the Association yearbook. She will obtain the approved yearly golf calendar schedule and work with the Pro Shop Liaison, Play Day Chair and any other designated board member to finalize all details for the golfing year. She shall serve as chairman of the Fall Invitational (Member-Guest) Tournament. I. GENERAL DUTIES A. Perform the duties of the President in her absence. B. Act as Ex-Officio with the President on all committees except the Nominating Committee. C. Be responsible for membership and any updates throughout the year, and for the compiling and printing of the Association Yearbook. D. Serve as Chairman of the Member-Guest Tournament. E. Prepare detailed calendar of golfing events and submit to the board for approval. F. Prepare a year-end report in triplicate prior to the Closing Brunch . One copy for the President, one for the Secretary and one for the First Vice President’s Notebook. II. TIME TABLE A. MEMBERSHIP 1. November – Before the Closing Brunch, confirm the existing membership is up to date in the yearbook. 2. Provide a hardcopy of the membership at the Closing Brunch to confirm the next seasons participation. 3. Members will be billed on their AAC account in February for the upcoming golf season. 4. Keep track of members who have renewed by creating a spreadsheet and send to the President and Treasurer. 5. When a new member joins, notify the President, and the entire Board, along with the Pro Shop Liaison and Golf Clinic Pro. 6. Update the Membership Form to the new calendar year along with any other changes made by the Board for the upcoming year. Have printed copies available in the Ladies Locker Room and update on the AAC 18 Hole Website. B. YEARBOOK January – 1. Begin work on additions, deletions, and changes to the previous yearbook. 2. Contact the Yearbook Printing Company to review deadline dates, format and pricing. a. Review all information with President and Treasurer before any final decisions. 3. Obtain approved golf calendar for the coming year from the President. 4. Meet with Pro Shop Liaison, Play Day Chair, and any other designated board member to review calendar, plan and finalize all details. a. At Least 4 Low Gross/Low Net Days for each course need to be included. 5. AWGA playday(s) at AAC should be noted on the yearbook calendar and every attempt should be made to avoid conflicts. 6. Make sure New Members, Previous Members, Social Members, Emeritus Members, and Past President symbols are placed before the appropriate names in the yearbook.

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