Youth Guide Spring/Summer 2022
NEW AND EXPERIENCED SWIMMERS WELCOME! AGES 5 - 18 ARE WELCOME! The AAC Barracudas compete in the Atlanta Swim Association with meets at home and away. Come make friends, enjoy great competition and improve your swimming skills! DATES AND REGISTRATION: SWIM TEAM 2022 Registration opens January 1 via the AAC SwimTopia Site: JANUARY 1- APRIL 15 Swim Only: First Child $215 Second Child $200 Each Additional Child $170
Tuesday and Thursday Age 6 & Under 5:45-6:15 pm Age 7-8 6:15-6:45 pm Age 9-10 6:45-7:15 pm Age 11 & Up 7:15-8:00 pm
MAY 31 – JUNE 24 Monday - Thursday Age 6 & Under 8:00-8:30 am Age 7-8 8:30-9:00 am Age 9-10 9:00-9:45 am Age 11 & Up 9:45-10:30 am Monday and Tuesday 10 & Under 5:00-5:45 pm 11 & Up 5:45-6:30 pm Friday FUN FRIDAY – Popsicles, Games, and Ribbons All ages – 9:00-10:00 am Meet Schedule TBD* TUESDAY MARCH 15 Suit Fitting #1 – Aquatic Center Lobby 3pm – 5pm PARENT VOLUNTEERS Parent volunteers are essential to making the season a success. We ask that each family volunteer for a minimum of three meets during the season. If the requirement is not met, there will be a $100 fee for each shift that was not fulfilled. Sign-ups are done through the Barracuda Swimtopia website. If you are unsure of the position that you have signed up for, please speak with a committee member for instructions. If you cannot fulfill your volunteer position, please make an effort to find a replacement and communicate that to the committee member in charge of volunteers. All volunteer positions descriptions are listed on the website and explained during the Parent Meeting. APRIL 11-28 Technique Clinics TBD* SATURDAY APRIL 23 Suit Fitting #2 Aquatic Center Lobby 10:00 am – Noon
Swim and Dive: First Child $300
Second Child $270 AFTER APRIL 15 Swim Only: First Child $230 Second Child $215 Each Additional Child $185 Senior Swim or Dive (ages 15-18) Swimmer and/or Diver $50
IMPORTANT DATES 2022 *All dates and times are subject to change* PRACTICE SCHEDULE Practices Begin May 9* MAY 9 - 26 Monday and Wednesday Age 6 & Under 3:30-4:00 pm Age 7-8 4:00-4:30 pm Age 9-10 4:30-5:00 pm Age 11 & Up 5:00-5:30 pm
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