Youth Guide Fall Winter 2024/25
junior tennis
Welcome to the AAC Junior Development Tennis Program. The new program brings structure and discipline with a focus on technical and athletic development while having fun.
Red Ball – 3 – 6 years old Orange Ball – 6 – 9 years old
Green Ball – 8 – 11 years old Yellow Ball 12+
There are always exceptions and a child may be moved up a group if the coaches believe they are ready for it.
CLINIC SCHEDULE Red Ball Monday-Thursday 4 – 5 pm
We currently have 2 Fall Alta Teams for the upcoming season. If you would like your child to participate, please email me. Registration for a new team has closed but we have spots available on our current Boys 12U team as well as Girls 15U. We are very close to having a girl’s 10U Orange ball team. If you have a daughter interested in joining us let me know. WINTER USTA We will be having a 12U Mixed gender team this winter. Play beings in January and runs through mid- February. I am looking for a few boys to fill and 16U team. If you would like to participate please reach out. We need 4 boys and 4 girls per team. This is good practice ahead of the high school tennis season for those that would like extra practice. We are looking to build a tournament team that can play tournaments together and have a coach on site with them watching and evaluating the matches. Both league play and tournament play gives coaches an idea if the students are progressing in matches under pressure as they develop through the program. Registration for the tournament team will begin October 1st at which time a calendar of tournaments will be developed for parents and students participating in the team.
Beginners tennis program developing the basic tennis strokes while working on hand eye coordination and sport specific movement. Orange Ball Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 4 – 5 pm Continued development of the strokes with an introduction to movement patterns and point play. Middle/High School Team Practice Monday – Thursday 5 – 7 pm This practice is for intermediate and advanced juniors that are trying out for their middle/high school teams or looking to begin tournament play. The high school group is a more intensive program that includes fitness and the mastery of technique. 2024 SUMMER/FALL JUNIOR CLINIC SCHEDULE Session 1 – August 5-September 13 Session 2 – September 16 – October 25 Session 3 – October 28 – December 13 (Thanksgiving week will be drop in only) Drop In Only Session - December 16-20 PLEASE EMAIL TO REGISTER FOR CLINICS
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