Youth Guide Fall Winter 2024/25

Fall/Winter 2024/25

Magazine YOUTH


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Hours & Pricing Weekly Events Special Events

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JUNIOR GOLF Golf Instruction









Events Clinics

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Stefanie Arrington, Youth & Family Activities Director | 770-448-2166 ext. 7109



Jonathan Lee, Aquatics Director | 770-368-7770 ext. 7072

FITNESS CENTER Neil Doldo, Fitness Director

770-368-7770 | 770-368-7770

GOLF DEPARTMENT Bud Taylor, Director of Golf

770-448-8552 | 770-448-8552 | 770-368-7755

Chris Moore, PGA, Junior Golf Leader



Jeff Chandley, USPTA, PTR, Director of Tennis Patrick Aubone, Director of Junior Tennis Programs | 770-368-7740 | 570-604-8757

Please Note: All dates and pricing information included in the Youth Magazine are subject to change. Please visit for the most current pricing and schedule for all Youth Activities and Sports.


youth & family activities


We had a wonderful summer at camp this year with record numbers of kids! We are looking forward to a great fall and winter full of fun filled events and activities for you all! Make sure you have the Procare app downloaded on your phone. You will not be able to use drop in services at Timbers without having your account with Procare active and your child’s information updated and accurate. You will be required to use the Procare system to check your child in and out at Timbers. This has already been in use at Timbers for almost a year now so it should come as no surprise.


Follow Timbers on Facebook by scanning this QR code. You do not want to miss all the cute pictures! Facebook is also were we put updates and important announcements that you will not want to miss.


youth & family activities

t h e t imb e r s

TIMBERS HOURS Drop-In Rates: $12/$14 Guest


Sundays: 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Mondays: 8 a.m. -1 p.m. Tuesdays - Thursdays: 8 a.m. - 7 p.m. Fridays: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Saturdays: 8 a.m.-10 p.m. (last check-in: 8 p.m.) Timbers will be closed on: September 2, November 28, December 24-25, January 1 Timbers will have adjusted hours on: October 12, December 1,4,8,20,21,31 Do you want to take the stress out of your kid’s birthday party? Let the Youth Activities Staff do all the work! Party planning services start at $250 for two hours of Timbers outdoor space time. Other services can be provided. Contact Stefanie Arrington, Youth and Family Activities Director for more information. | 770-448-2166 x 7109 BIRTHDAY PARTIES

We need at least 6 kids signed up to have these events. We may cancel 28 hours in advance if there are not enough kids registered. For some events, there is a 20% sibling discount for multiple children signed up for the same event. This does not include guests. The prices listed here are Early Bird Prices that end one day before the event happens. Any registrations after this will have higher prices. Fridays TGIF 5-10 pm | $30 |Ages 2 to 5 | Ages 6-12 These nights are themed and will have age appropriate activities for each group. More kids =More fun! We offer a 20% sibling discount. Pizza dinner included.


youth & family activities


KIDS MIXOLOGY Wednesday, November 20 Ages 4-12 | 6:00-9:30pm Price- TBD

ETIQUETTE CLASS Cost: $50/$60 guests

November 5 Ages 4-7 | 4:30-7:00 pm November 6 Ages 8-12 | 4:30-7:00 pm This social and dining etiquette dinner is the perfect opportunity to impart good manners before the holiday season. Topics such as social introductions; the dos and don’ts of dining; table settings; confidence; and much more are introduced in a fun, interactive way. This program includes a four-course meal. Sibling Discounts DO NOT Apply Advanced registration is required. Limited spots available.

Come make some kid friendly holiday drinks with us while the adults are having their own mixology class. Of course, all drinks are KID FRIENDLY. Be the talk of all the holiday parties with these awesome kid drinks. There will be cookies! Dinner can be ordered separately from the Troon if needed.


youth & family activities

DAY CAMPS Registration is required for all of these day camps. SEPTEMBER 23-27 Fall Break Camp OCTOBER 10-11 Pumpkin Camp OCTOBER 15-16 S’more Camp NOVEMBER 25-29 (CLOSED ON 28TH) Thanksgiving Camp Come enjoy some fall fun with us! DECEMBER 23-27 (CLOSED ON 24TH AND 25TH) Christmas Camp Christmas Crafts, games and more! DECEMBER 30-JANUARY 3 (CLOSED ON 1ST) New Year Camp Ring in the New Year with us! JANUARY 20 Frosty Fest Camp There will definitely be a snowball fight!

FEBRUARY 13-14 Winter Wonder Camp More winter fun and games! FEBRUARY 17-18 Polar Party More winter fun and games!



Junior Golf Journal For the most up to date and current information on the Jr. Golf program, please be sure you are on the “Jr. Golf Journal” email list. To be added to the list, please email Chris Moore at Private Instruction In addition to the number of group instruction and league opportunities, private instruction is available through the RTJ Jones, Jr. Instructor center. From ages 3 and up, the AAC Golf Instruction team can meet all of your needs, regardless of experience or ability. Instructors include: Director of Instruction Shawn Koch: $85 per 1/2 hour or $145 per hour 770-368-7760, Head Teaching Professional Jimmy Harris: $80 per ½ hour or $130 per hour 770-368-7758,

Junior Golf Leader Chris Moore: $80 per ½ hour or $130 per hour 770-368-7755, Teaching Professional Matt Scheck: $80 per ½ hour or $130 per hour 678-953-0212, Assistant Junior Golf Leader Jay Unis: $75 per ½ hour or $120 per hour 337-794-9413, Teaching Professional Caitlin Cannon: $75 per ½ hour or $120 per hour 770-368-7761,


junior golf


JUNIOR GOLF PRIVATE CLINICS & BIRTHDAY PARTIES! FORMAT If you can’t find time to make it to one of the regularly scheduled junior clinics, you can create your own clinic. This can be done anytime throughout the year. Whether you just want to schedule a one-day clinic or want to meet weekly, we can set up a program to accommodate your needs. This program has been used in the past for groups of friends, siblings, and middle school golf teams and birthday parties. ELIGIBILITY Private Clinics are open to all Jones & Heisman members’ children of all ages. Grandchildren of AAC Jones & Heisman members may also participate. REGISTRATION To organize your own private junior clinic or birthday party, please contact Chris Moore at 770-368-7755 or email COST The cost for a private group clinic is $100 for the hour, plus $10 for each additional junior after the first. After the sixth additional junior, another $100 will be billed to the account for the extra instructor required. COST STRUCTURE FOR A ONE-HOUR CLINIC:

LITTLE CHIPPERS CLINICS (Ages 3-4) ELIGIBILITY The Little Chippers Clinics are open to all Jones & Heisman members’ children ages 3-4. Members’ grandchildren are encouraged to sign up on a space available basis. All clinics will maintain a 4 : 1 student to professional ratio, with a maximum of 16 students per clinic. Please note that an adult is highly encouraged to accompany each Little Chipper for the duration of the clinic. CLINIC TOPICS This series of clinics is an introduction to the beginning fundamentals of the short game and full swing such as grip, stance and making an “L.” Basic rules and etiquette will also be covered with an emphasis on having fun!

1 Junior $130 2 Juniors $140 3 Juniors $150 6 Juniors $260 7 Juniors $270 8 Juniors $280

SCHEDULE Clinics take place on the Par 3 Course when

weather permits Little Chippers Little Chippers

Sundays 1:00 - 1:45 p.m. Fridays 2:00 – 2:45 p.m. Spring & Fall

REGISTRATION The registration fee for the Little Chippers Clinics is $35 per clinic, and children can be signed up on a weekly basis. To sign up, please email AAC Junior Golf Leader Chris Moore at with which dates your Little Chipper will be attending.


junior golf

THE 2025 PAR 3 TOUR!

ELIGIBILITY The Par 3 Tour is open to juniors of all Jones Golf Member Families. Heisman members and academy members are not eligible to compete on the Par 3 Tour. It is recommended that a junior has a proficient foundation in Driving, Chipping and Putting before competing. FORMAT The AAC’s Par 3 Tour runs from January through December. Formats will typically either be Individual Competition or Team Scramble Competition. Pairings will be made on the first tee prior to each event. Other than specified major events, no registration is required. Par 3 Tour events on Saturday normally begin at noon, and Par 3 Tour events on Sunday normally begin at 2:00 p.m. Entry fees are $18, with proceeds paid out to the winning teams in Golf Shop merchandise credit. All earnings will be tracked on the 2025 Money List. Juniors can also move up the Money List by competing in the Par 3 Tour, the Jr. Club Championship, and other tournaments. For more information on these activities refer to those pages in this guide.

PAR 3 MAJORS! For 2025, the Par 3 Tour will again feature the 4 majors. This year the format of the majors will continue the same format with a 9 Hole Boys & Girls division and a Championship Division. The overall low 18 score from the Championship Division will earn an exemption into the 2025 Junior Big Break in October, provided that player competes in at least 3 Sunday Par 3 Tournaments. The entry fee for major championships is $21 per player., and players can be signed up by emailing AAC Junior Golf Leader Chris Moore at YEAR-END HONORS The top ten players on the Money List, following the final Par 3 Tour event in December, will receive year-end prizes to be presented at the annual awards ceremony in January, 2026. For a schedule of events and to keep up with the 2025 Money List, please be sure to be on AAC Junior Golf Leader Chris Moore’s Jr. Golf email list. He can be reached at


junior golf


2025 SPRING LITTLE BIRDIES LEAGUE (AGES 5-7) The AAC is proud to announce our Annual Spring Little Birdies League! ELIGIBILITY • Juniors ages 5—7 • The program is open to dependents of Jones & Heisman members. • Grandchildren will be allowed to participate if space allows. If the program is not full 3 weeks before the season begins, Grandchildren may register. • The program will be strictly limited to 48 participants for safety purposes. PRACTICE SCHEDULE Practices will be held on Wednesday & Saturday afternoons beginning approximately March 1. MATCH SCHEDULE • Matches will begin on approximately Saturday, March 22 at 2:30 p.m. and run for 7 weeks. • The format for each match is a 5 hole “Drive, Chip and Putt” style scramble on the Par 3 Course with 1 points available per match. Each Par 3 will be set at an appropriate yardage for competitors ages 5 – 7 (roughly 40-60 yards per hole). We kindly ask parents to “caddy” for their kids in these matches for safety purposes. REGISTRATION INFORMATION • The registration fee for the Little Birdies League is $550. • Registration includes 11 clinics, 7 matches, Jersey, Hat, custom golf balls and custom prizes at the end of the season. • Registration packets will be available in early January, and the official registration forms can be filled out online via the AAC website. Please contact AAC Junior Golf Leader Chris Moore for more questions on registration.

2025 SPRING FLYING EAGLES GOLF LEAGUE (AGES 8 – 12) The AAC is proud to announce the Spring Flying Eagles Golf League! ELIGIBILITY • Juniors ages 8—12 • The program is open to dependents of Jones & Heisman members. • If the program is not full 3 weeks before the season begins, Grandchildren may register. PRACTICE SCHEDULE Practices will be held on Tuesday afternoons and Saturday mornings beginning approximately Tuesday, March 1 MATCH SCHEDULE • Matches will begin on approximately Saturday, March 25 at 9:00 a.m. and run for 7 weeks. • The format is a partners “modified better-ball” that introduces the concept of playing your own ball to the golfers. REGISTRATION INFORMATION • The registration fee for the Flying Eagles Golf League is $550. • Registration includes 11 clinics, 7 matches, Jersey, Hat, and custom prizes throughout and at the end of the season. • Registration packets will be available in early January, and the official registration forms can be filled out online. Please contact AAC Junior Golf Leader Chris Moore for more questions on registration.


j un i o r t e nn i s SERVE IT UP WITH AAC JUNIOR TENNIS!


Welcome to the AAC Junior Development Tennis Program. I bring with a wealth of knowledge having grown up in a family that played professional tennis, Davis Cup and in all 4 Grand Slams. My Godfather and my father also coached some of the best juniors in the United States and Argentina in the 90’s and 2000’s. I have a Master’s Degree in Child and Adolescent Psychology specializing in Crisis Intervention. Tennis is in my blood and while I love developing athletes and teaching them the sport, having fun while they work hard is the most important thing. Patrick Aubone Director of Tennis Program

Join us for a rare combination of events. While the older kids can participate in the Pro/Am event, the younger siblings can run around enjoying Halloween activities such as candy scavenger hunt, tennis games, pickleball and a best costume party! For those participating in the Pro/Am event they will team up with a Tennis Professional and compete for best costume and overall division winners. AFTER SCHOOL TENNIS PROGRAM This year brings some changes and more structure to the junior program. Kids will now have a martial arts style system of color bands. Kids can test at the end of each session to see where their level is at and what needs to improve during the next session in order to move up colors and eventually progress from Red Ball to Orange Ball to Green/Yellow Ball.


junior tennis


Welcome to the AAC Junior Development Tennis Program. The new program brings structure and discipline with a focus on technical and athletic development while having fun.

Red Ball – 3 – 6 years old Orange Ball – 6 – 9 years old

Green Ball – 8 – 11 years old Yellow Ball 12+

There are always exceptions and a child may be moved up a group if the coaches believe they are ready for it.

CLINIC SCHEDULE Red Ball Monday-Thursday 4 – 5 pm


We currently have 2 Fall Alta Teams for the upcoming season. If you would like your child to participate, please email me. Registration for a new team has closed but we have spots available on our current Boys 12U team as well as Girls 15U. We are very close to having a girl’s 10U Orange ball team. If you have a daughter interested in joining us let me know. WINTER USTA We will be having a 12U Mixed gender team this winter. Play beings in January and runs through mid- February. I am looking for a few boys to fill and 16U team. If you would like to participate please reach out. We need 4 boys and 4 girls per team. This is good practice ahead of the high school tennis season for those that would like extra practice. We are looking to build a tournament team that can play tournaments together and have a coach on site with them watching and evaluating the matches. Both league play and tournament play gives coaches an idea if the students are progressing in matches under pressure as they develop through the program. Registration for the tournament team will begin October 1st at which time a calendar of tournaments will be developed for parents and students participating in the team.

Beginners tennis program developing the basic tennis strokes while working on hand eye coordination and sport specific movement. Orange Ball Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 4 – 5 pm Continued development of the strokes with an introduction to movement patterns and point play. Middle/High School Team Practice Monday – Thursday 5 – 7 pm This practice is for intermediate and advanced juniors that are trying out for their middle/high school teams or looking to begin tournament play. The high school group is a more intensive program that includes fitness and the mastery of technique. 2024 SUMMER/FALL JUNIOR CLINIC SCHEDULE Session 1 – August 5-September 13 Session 2 – September 16 – October 25 Session 3 – October 28 – December 13 (Thanksgiving week will be drop in only) Drop In Only Session - December 16-20 PLEASE EMAIL TO REGISTER FOR CLINICS




ATLANTA ATHLETIC CLUB 1930 Bobby Jones Drive Johns Creek, GA 30097 770-448-2166

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