Microsoft PowerPoint - 2024 Annual Meeting SlidesV11

With Gratitude and Admiration for your Loyalty, Dedication and Service to Atlanta Athletic Club and its members by serving as a member of the Board of Directors 2020‐2024.” Tim Bentsen j oined the club in 1996 as a Jones member; He is Retired Southeast Area and Atlanta office Managing Partner, KPMG; He is a Board Member at Synovus Financial Corp., RidgeWorth Funds and Krispy Kreme Doughnuts; He was also an adjunct professor at Terry College of Business, University of Georgia. Mr. Bentsen served as co-chair of Finance in 2017, Chair of Finance in 2018 and 2019; was elected President in 2020 and 2021 and served as Chairman in 2022 and 2023. Tim successfully managed the club through the COVID 19 Pandemic; Re-roofed the main clubhouse; Completely renovated the Range Practice area. We saw unprecedented use of golf courses and range. He established an Employee Assistance Program for furloughed employees . Tim, will you please come and receive your plaque which says, β€œTim Bentsen with gratitude and admiration for your loyalty, dedication and service to Atlanta Athletic Club and its members by serving as a member, president, and chairman of the Board of Directors, 2017-2024.” Tim, would you like to share some parting words as Chairman of the Board?


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