ClubTimes January/February 2023

Membership Updates

Seeking Volunteers for Committee Service The club is now seeking volunteers to serve on committees. Committees are formed to afford club members not elected to the Board the opportunity to serve as a liaison between membership and the staff leadership team at the club. Committee members also provide input into the development of policies and programs in certain areas. By selecting a broad base of members representing different views, management and the Board have the opportunity to hear the opinions of the membership on issues of relevance and concern. The Board shall select committee members who are willing to make committee meeting attendance a priority, willing to consider the Club as a whole, and willing to lend expertise. All committee appointments are for a one-year term with a term limit of two consecutive years on any one committee and four consecutive years on all committees. Members reaching the four-year limit will be eligible for additional terms after “sitting out” for one year. This policy allows for greater participation from the membership. Members and their spouses are eligible for committee service. The following are standing committees at the club: Athletics, Finance, Golf, Grounds, Heritage, House, Membership, and Tennis. If you are interested in serving, please contact Margaret Almand at or 770-368- 7703 by January 31, 2023. Each year we are fortunate to have a large pool of candidates from which to select so unfortunately not all those who volunteer will serve on committees. If selected the term would commence on April 1, 2023 and end on March 31, 2024.


I moved to Atlanta in May of 1964 and at that time started new business, Chris Motors Volkswagen. Seven years later in 1971 my family joined Atlanta

Athletic Club in 1971. Little did I realize the fantastic impact the Club would have on my life and the life of my family. I consistently played golf twice a week with other members who became wonderful friends for about 40 years. In addition, Jackie, my wife, and I frequently played twilight golf on Saturday or Sunday night either with friends or just the two of us. We found this to be an absolutely amazing time to play golf. Looking back, it makes me wonder why I never became a better player. I later became a member of “The Duffers.” Duffers being a group of about 40-50 men that played golf together every Thursday. Many, many laughs. We also owned a sailboat and spent many beautiful hours at the ACC Yacht Club on Lake Lanier. Jackie started sailing when she was a teenager and therefore possessing sailing skills far greater than mine. Again, many hours were spent with fine members and friends of the Club. The dining activities include luncheons, dinners, business luncheons, family wedding receptions, and many, many, family affairs. Atlanta Athletic Club, we thank you for over 50 years of meeting absolutely, wonderful people that we can call our friends. In Loving Memory Mrs. Sandra Coan October 5 Dr. Thomas W. Gable October 25 C. SamWhite October 27 Mr. Jimmy Ellis November 5

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