ClubTimes January/February 2023



A Special 125th Anniversary Edit ion

AAC ’ s East

: 1915-1925

Lake Cl



I look forward to toasting with everyone at our upcoming celebrations. Please mark your calendars with the events below! Bruce Barfield Chair of the Traditions Committee & Co-Chair of the 125th Anniversary Committee UPCOMING 125TH CELEBRATIONS May 6 2023 Southern Sunset Soiree at East Lake Golf Club June 9-10 2023 East Lake vs. AAC Foursomes Match at East Lake Golf Club September 4 2023 AAC Athletics, Tennis, and Golf Outings at Atlanta Athletic Club September 8 2023 AAC Gala at Atlanta Athletic Club October 13 2023 AAC vs East Lake Foursomes Match at Atlanta Athletic Club

I’m sure by now you’ve seen the logo for our 125th anniversary around the club, but what you may not realize is that this was our original logo. Its origin dates to 1908, but we thought it would be fun to dust it off and use it as a part of our upcoming celebration. Speaking of celebration, beginning with this issue, we

will be sharing notable club and world events for each decade since our club was founded in 1898. Several members helped research and curate this content, and we are grateful to them for their help. It is amazing to see all that has transpired both at the AAC and the world since we first opened our doors! As you may also be aware, East Lake Golf Club is the home of our club’s original golf course. We will celebrate our anniversary and shared history with a variety of special events. We are particularly excited to host two member golf matches - one at East Lake Golf Club and one at our Atlanta Athletic Club. We will also host an evening event at East Lake Golf Club to further celebrate our shared history with food, music and fun. Throughout the year, we will have events that will include our aquatics, fitness, tennis and golf programs. And finally, we will have an Anniversary Gala at our club in September that is sure to be a night to remember. We look forward to sharing more about each of these events in the months to come. As we reflected on 125 years of history, we could see how the values and mission of the club have served as a guiding light for our brand. The timing is ideal to embrace our history and reevaluate our values and our brand and formalize it in a way that can be shared with current and prospective members, our guests, and team members alike. We have been very intentional about this process, holding several focus groups involving a broad range of our members. This has been a rewarding endeavor, and we look forward to sharing the results with our membership. Our club has meaningful history, and we need to be certain we are doing all we can to ensure it is preserved. One of the ways we plan to protect our history and values will be through a new Traditions Committee. Many other historic clubs such as Merion, Oakmont, and Philly Cricket have this committee, which exists solely for the protection of club traditions and its character. I have been asked by our president Kevin Costello to chair this committee and I am honored to do so.

ABOUT THE COVER The cover design takes inspiration from the 1916 Club Life cover design

Membership Updates

Seeking Volunteers for Committee Service The club is now seeking volunteers to serve on committees. Committees are formed to afford club members not elected to the Board the opportunity to serve as a liaison between membership and the staff leadership team at the club. Committee members also provide input into the development of policies and programs in certain areas. By selecting a broad base of members representing different views, management and the Board have the opportunity to hear the opinions of the membership on issues of relevance and concern. The Board shall select committee members who are willing to make committee meeting attendance a priority, willing to consider the Club as a whole, and willing to lend expertise. All committee appointments are for a one-year term with a term limit of two consecutive years on any one committee and four consecutive years on all committees. Members reaching the four-year limit will be eligible for additional terms after “sitting out” for one year. This policy allows for greater participation from the membership. Members and their spouses are eligible for committee service. The following are standing committees at the club: Athletics, Finance, Golf, Grounds, Heritage, House, Membership, and Tennis. If you are interested in serving, please contact Margaret Almand at or 770-368- 7703 by January 31, 2023. Each year we are fortunate to have a large pool of candidates from which to select so unfortunately not all those who volunteer will serve on committees. If selected the term would commence on April 1, 2023 and end on March 31, 2024.


I moved to Atlanta in May of 1964 and at that time started new business, Chris Motors Volkswagen. Seven years later in 1971 my family joined Atlanta

Athletic Club in 1971. Little did I realize the fantastic impact the Club would have on my life and the life of my family. I consistently played golf twice a week with other members who became wonderful friends for about 40 years. In addition, Jackie, my wife, and I frequently played twilight golf on Saturday or Sunday night either with friends or just the two of us. We found this to be an absolutely amazing time to play golf. Looking back, it makes me wonder why I never became a better player. I later became a member of “The Duffers.” Duffers being a group of about 40-50 men that played golf together every Thursday. Many, many laughs. We also owned a sailboat and spent many beautiful hours at the ACC Yacht Club on Lake Lanier. Jackie started sailing when she was a teenager and therefore possessing sailing skills far greater than mine. Again, many hours were spent with fine members and friends of the Club. The dining activities include luncheons, dinners, business luncheons, family wedding receptions, and many, many, family affairs. Atlanta Athletic Club, we thank you for over 50 years of meeting absolutely, wonderful people that we can call our friends. In Loving Memory Mrs. Sandra Coan October 5 Dr. Thomas W. Gable October 25 C. SamWhite October 27 Mr. Jimmy Ellis November 5

m e m b e r s h i p Welcome Our New Members

Mr. Smyth is Senior Project Manager at ASSA Abloy Group. He received his degree in Mechanical Engineering at the University of West Scotland. He is also the son of AAC Ambassador member, David Smyth Sr. Mrs. Smyth is Associate Director of Clinical Advanced Practice. She received her Adult Nursing degree at the University of West Scotland and her MSC Advanced Clinical Practice at London Southbank University. They live in Surrey, England.


Mr. Jake McCleskey Legacy Jones Membership Sponsors: Mr. John McCleskey, Mr. Kevin Stipe, Mr. Tom Rhodes Mr. McCleskey is a Development Manager at New Urban Development. He received his bachelor’s in Building Science at Auburn University. He lives in Atlanta.


Mr. Adam Bardi and his wife Heather Associate Jones Membership Sponsors: Mr. Nathan Rhatigan, Mr. Shane Rhatigan, Dr. Courtney Middleton Mr. Bardi is Owner/CEO of Bardi Heating Cooling and Plumbing. He received his HVAC certification at Gwinnett Tech. Mrs. Bardi received her bachelor’s in Early Childhood Education at Kennesaw State University and is currently a homemaker. They live in Peachtree Corners with their two daughters.

Mr. John Bardis and his wife Judy Jones Membership Sponsors: Mr. Lamar Wakefield, Mr. Jerrill Sprinkle, Mr. Ed Foye Mr. Bardis is CEO of Share MD. He received his bachelor’s degree at the University of Arizona. Mrs. Bardis also received her bachelor’s at the University of Arizona and her MBA at Northwestern University. She is currently a homemaker. They live in Johns Creek.

Ms. Sarah O’Kelley Legacy Heisman Membership Sponsors: Mr. Joe O’Kelley, Mr. Robert Binion, Mr. Seth Wernick Ms. O’Kelley is a Lawyer at O’Kelley and Sorohan Attorneys at Law. She received her bachelor’s in Public Relations and Dance at the University of Alabama. She received her JD at Georgia State University College of Law. She lives in Atlanta.

Mr. David Smyth and his wife Melanie Ambassador Membership Sponsors: Mr. Dennis Patterson, Mr. Charles Anderson, Mr. Bruce Barfield


NOW RANKED #2 in the TOP 2022 U.S. PRO SHOPS by Club + Resort Business

Golf Operation Hours: GOLF COURSE: Tuesday - Sunday

8:30 a.m. - Dusk

GOLF SHOP: Tuesday - Sunday

Fantastic Shots ACE Beck Patrick

8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.


8:00 a.m. to 30 Minutes Before Sunset

Highlands Hole #17 Green Tees, 122 yards

October 15

GOLF CARTS: Last Cart Out

EAGLE David Rozier October 15th Steve Herman

1 Hour Before Sunset

Highlands Hole #8

Last Cart In


Highlands Hole #10 (Driver/6iron) Highlands Hole #14 Driver/LW, 82 yards

October 13

Gary Smith

Men’s Golf Results

Overall Gross Winners: Reid Rathburn and Neal Hendee Score of –16 (128) Overall Net Winners: Jack Browne and Dean Deweese Score of –15 (129)

Overall Gross Winners: Kyle Hammond, Chris Covelli, Zach Robinson & Barry Rutherford Score of –7 (137) Overall Net Winners: Brian Muia, Chris Carter, Bruce Bishop & Tyler Luke Score of –19 (125)

Duffers Member Guest NOVEMBER 3

Overall Gross Winners: Bob Johnson and Richard Wade Score of +2 (74) Overall Net Winners: Skip Oliver and Doug Nyhoff Score of –3 (69)

The Bradley One Day Member Guest NOVEMBER 10

Gentleman’s Match Play Gross Match Play Winner: Will Hanna Net Match Play Winner: Gary Melampy

RTJ Four-BallMemberMember NOVEMBER 5-6

Nine-Hole Women’s Golf Welcome to our New President Kim Costello and the Executive Board for the 2023 Season! The Board is busy planning for this upcoming season. Please check your email for the dates and times for our Welcome Coffee and New Member Orientation.

2023 Trips Schedule REYNOLDS LAKE OCONEE

Sunday April 30, 2023 to Wednesday May 3, 2023

PURSELL FARMS Sunday October 1, 2023 to Wednesday October 4, 2023

Jodi Ennis, President-Elect Kimberly Kephart, Linda Bartkow, President Kim Costello and Liz Englert at the White Party after the inaugural 1989 Cup. The 1989 Cup, in commemoration of the year 9HWGA was founded, will be held each year on our Fall Trip. For the inaugural cup, Red and Blue teams were paired off by handicap in a fun, but tough competition. After the first day of play the Red Team was in the lead. Not to be out done, in an outstanding show to gain back points, the Blue Team ultimately won and captured the Cup!

Blue Team: Tina Ballon, Gail Laney , Kimberly Kephart, Melissa Waugh, Kathy Halligan, Liz Englert, Linda Stimson, Mary Angular, Nancy Buckler, Jodi Ennis, & Carol Harms We want to say a very sincere thank you to our past President Kathy Halligan and the 2022 Executive Board! We look forward to another great season in 2023.

Liz Englert, Sue Mangold, Carol Harms, Joanmarie Wilson in our red and blue team theme

Eighteen-Hole Women’s Golf

Our ladies enjoyed a busy finish to 2022. There were fun competitions and a festive holiday season. Now we look forward to 2023 and celebrating our club’s 125th anniversary. Please join us for the 2023 Season! If you are interested in the 18-Hole Ladies Group, please contact Mychelle Travis at

AACWGA 2022 INVITATIONAL October 25th & 26th, 2022 Thank you to Sheri Smith and her committee for organizing this creative and fun two day event! PAR 3 TOURNAMENT Overall Champion Sally Green & Julie Conley, 31 Flights Dundee Darlings Glenda Strong & Jennifer Jetton, 25 Glasgow Gals Marianne Lassiter & Monica Treadwell, 27 LochNess Ladies Mary Waymire & Patty Dailey, 31 Melrose Misses Peggy Colwell & Ginger Paul,28 BETTER BALL OF PARTNERS HIGHLANDS Overall Low Gross Donna Gonsalves & Shelly White, 70 Overall Low Net Yutta McCants & Lynne Magurno, 61

Flights | 1st Low Net Dundee Darlings Debbie Boling & Fredna

NOVEMBER SUNDAY COUPLES 1st Place Gross +5 Mike and Lisa Justice & Mark and Donna Gonsalves 1st Place Net -12 Wayne and Cheri Amy & Joel and Ginny Harrell 2nd Place Net -7 Charles and Mychelle Travis & Nip and Sally Green Closest to the Pin Brad Stewart #15 32’ 11” Mary Waymire #17 9’ 4”

Schiavone, 65 Glasgow Gals Sheri Smith & Paige Freeman, 62 Lochness Ladies Paula Schlora & Moira Brigman, 61 Melrose Misses Liz Troy & Karen Truono, 65


We had a beautiful afternoon and so enjoyed our lunch. Thank you to Kathy Thomas and her team for organizing this day’s event! 1st Place: Laura Jackson, Cindy Childers, Kathy Turner & Peggy Colwell Closest to the Pin: Hole #4 Elke Sharpenburg 4’5” Hole #15 Glenda Strong 7’4”

Junior Golf

Jack Callahan & Jack Gibbs PAR 3 MEMBER-MEMBER Champions

UPCOMING EVENTS THE JUNIOR GOLF BANQUET February 26th with the Par 3 Parent-Child Tournament!

an educational, fun league that will provide a wonderful introduction to tournament golf for AAC juniors! All players that register will receive a team jersey and hat, 11 clinics, 7 matches and end of year awards and luncheon. The registration fee is $450 per player, and registration will be available online beginning Thursday, January 5th. The league is limited to the first 40 students to register, so get your spot soon! 2022 SPRING LITTLE BIRDIES LEAGUE Registration begins on Thursday, January 5th! The AAC is proud to announce the return of our Spring Little Birdies Golf League!! This fun program for ages 5 - 7 will bring a team atmosphere to golf and promises to be an educational, fun league that will provide a wonderful introduction to golf for AAC juniors! No experience is required to join this league! All players that register will receive a team jersey and hat, 11 clinics, 7 matches and end of year awards and luncheon. The registration fee is $450 per player, and registration will be available online beginning Wednesday, January 2nd! This league is limited to the first 48 students to register, so get your spot soon!

The 2022 Par 3 Parent-Child is on Sunday, February 26th followed by the Jr. Golf Awards Banquet that evening! This exciting kickoff will feature Parent-Child teams competing in different divisions on the Par 3 Course. Following the competition that evening, the Jr. Golf Awards banquet will take place, where we will honor our fine junior golfers and also announce many of our exciting programs for 2021. Official registration will be available beginning Tuesday, January 3rd. We hope you can join us for this exciting event! THE PAR 3 TOUR Continues each weekend in January & February! Weather permitting, the Par 3 Tour will continue on Saturdays and Sundays in February. Saturday will feature the individual stroke play event at noon, and Sundays will feature the team scramble event at 2:00 p.m. 2022 FLYING EAGLES GOLF LEAGUE Registration begins on Thursday, January 5th! The AAC is proud to announce our Spring Flying Eagles Golf League! This fun program for boys and girls ages 7-11 brings a team atmosphere to golf and promises to be

fitness and nutrition Commit to Fit 12 W eek N utrition P rogram B egins J anuary 1, 2023 Kickoff 2023 by committing to a happy and healthier you! Learn about how to fuel your body for performance, fat loss and muscle gain and stay on track towards your goals! This 12 week program is designed specifically to help educate you, encourage positive change and build healthy sustainable habits beyond a New Year’s Resolution! Are You Ready to Commit to Yourself in 2023?

You’ll Receive... • Custom Nutrition Plans for Your Goals • Weekly Check-Ins Virtually for Questions/Adjustments/Accountability • E-Books on Macro Tracking and Healthy Recipes • Optional Training/Cardio Plans • $150 in Savings vs. Monthly Nutrition Coaching 12 Week Program: $300 per Person (couples and family pricing available) Contact Sarah Winstead at or call 404-499-6487 to sign up now!

SWIM AND DIVE TEAM REGISTRATION OPENS JANUARY 1! Coach Sally is back to take the reigns as Head Coach of the Swim Team, and Coaches Julia and Tyler are returning for a second season as our Dive Coaches! To register, go to

SWIM ONLY: First Child $215 Second Child $200 Each Additional Child $170

DIVE ONLY: First Child $185 Second Child $170 Each Additional Child $170

SWIM AND DIVE: First Child $300 Second Child $270

**Practice dates and times will be announced on the Swimtopia website as well as in the Spring Youth Guide

f i t n e s s / n u t r i t i o n


LOVE THE ONE YOU’ RE WITH Bring your loved one in for a luxurious facial or a relaxing massage and get a free brow wax for you! GALENTINE’ S GET TOGETHER Bring a friend and enjoy side by side express manicures on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and receive a free French polish upgrade TREAT THE SPECIAL LADIES IN YOUR LIFE Bring your special someone with her mom or daughter and receive $10 off any massage or facial!



YIN YOGA Thursday, January 5 6:30-7:30 pm

FLOWING FROM THE HEART YOGA Thursday, February 9 6:30-7:30 pm

A slow-paced yoga practice, targeting the deepest tissues of the body, our connective tissues- ligaments, joints, bones and the deep fascia networks. No previous yoga experience is required. At the conclusion of the event, complimentary wine will be served. Registration required.

In this all-level Vinyasa Yoga practice, you will focus on bringing light and gratitude into your heart and truly filling your cup. We will finish with a meditation to invite more love to yourself, your family and your community. Complimentary wine will be served at the conclusion of the event. Registration required

Better By the Decade A CLOSER LOOK AT 1898-1917

IMPORTANT DATES AT A GLANCE August 15, 1898 Organized September 5, 1898 Incorporated April 15, 1899 Town Club opened at 56 Edgewood Avenue November 27, 1902 Town Club opened at 37-39 Auburn Avenue July 4, 1908 AAC’s East Lake Country Club Course and First Clubhouse opened May 8, 1915 AAC’s East Lake Country Club Second Clubhouse opened

Presented By The Heritage Committee IN HONOR OF THE 125 TH ANNIVERSARY

It all started... In August of 1898 with 65 Atlanta businessmen in the office of Burton Smith. The charter, which was signed on September 5, was signed by all 65 men. The purpose of the club was stated briefly in the

charter: “The object of this corporation is not for pecuniary gain, but the formation of a social club, the special purpose of which is preparing and maintaining a gymnasium and enjoying physical exercise.” The initiation fee was $25 and annual dues were $24. Burton Smith served as the Club’s first president. Pictured: Burton Smith

1904 AAC purchased land from AAC Club Member Mr. Henry Atkinson for a nominal price to create the AAC’s East Lake Country Club. George W. Adair was a real estate developer and was instrumental in the creation of AAC’s East Lake Country Club. He is known as the “Father of Atlanta Golf.”

Pictured: Alex Smith, left, and Jimmy Maiden, right

1906-07 After winning the 1906 US Open, Alex Smith becomes the first golf professional at AAC’s East Lake Country Club. He is followed by Jimmy Maiden in 1907.

1898 AAC incorporated on September 5th. Burton Smith is elected 1st President.

1902 Bobby Jones born on March 17th. Club moved to Auburn Avenue. Southern Bell installed club’s first telephone line.

Pictured: George W. Adair

1908 Bobby Jones plays his first competitive golf tournament. Stewart Maiden becomes the Golf Professional and mentor to Bobby Jones and Alexa Stirling.

1905 The AAC had teams competing in basketball, swimming, baseball, track, tennis, handball, and cross country, often competing against college teams.

1900 AAC won the City Baseball Championship.

AAC’s Tennis Champion From 1901-1918 , Nat Thornton wins 20 singles and doubles tennis tournaments throughout the U.S. In addition, Thornton also played on AAC’s Baseball and Basketball Teams.

Pictured:The 1908 AAC Baseball Team

1909 AAC basketball players become a rough and rugged team, coached into winning form by John Heisman, AAC’s physical director and coach.

1916 Alexa Stirling breaks into prominence winning the first of three U.S. Women’s Amateur Championships.

Pictured: Alexa Stirling and the Robert Cox Trophy

Pictured: John Heisman

1911 AAC hires new physical director and coach, Joe Bean. The now dominant AAC Basketball Team becomes nicknamed “The Bean Boys.”

Pictured: Bobby Jones, Age 6, and Stewart Maiden

Pictured: Clubhouse destroyed in fire

Pictured: AAC Men’s Basketball Team and coach Joe Bean

Ups and Downs... were common in this era for AAC. While the baseball, basketball and tennis teams thrived and the highly anticipated course opened, the club was also plagued by setbacks such as the 1914 fire that destroyed the clubhouse. The golf course renovations, by Donald Ross, created the fire, halting all renovation work. Despite this, AAC and its loyal members continued to perservere and became a haven, especially once WWI began in 1914.

Meanwhile... Many important historical moments happened across the country & the rest of the world during this period.

Henry Ford’s first “Model T” rolls off the production line (1908)

First long distance telephone call coast to coast occurs between Alexander Graham Bell in NYC and Thomas Watson in San Francisco (1915)

US Post Office issues first book of stamps (1900)

Wizard of Oz musical opened in Chicago (1902)

Federal Income Tax is Established (1913)

First Baseball World Series, First Tour de France, First Wright Brothers aircraft flight (1903)

US National Park Service is created(1916)

social and dining

Ladies Bridge Association

Happy 2023! AAC Book Club is back! The Thursday, January 19th book is The Personal Librarian by Marie Benedict and Victoria C. Murray. We will meet at 4:00 pm in the Ladies’ Locker Room. The February selection is The Last Thing He Told Me by Laura Dave. We again will meet at 4:00 pm Thursday, February 16th in the Ladies’ Locker Room. No R.S.V.P. is necessary. If you have any questions Please contact Nancy Ortner: Book Club Upcoming Reads

Each Wednesday afternoon the Bridge room is packed as players arrive to participate in Social or Duplicate Bridge on a rotating basis each week. There is always a big turn- out for a fun group dinner following the Wednesday play. Marathon bridge runs from August through March. Member-member partners play other Club members monthly, with each pair organizing their competitive matches. Another great venue to increase your skill and get to know others. Is your spouse/significant other wanting to join the fun? Couples bridge is a huge hit each month. Couples enjoy a late afternoon of bridge followed by a group dinner. We are looking forward to our holiday bridge luncheon and game play on December 16th. Bridge players gather at 9:30 for a round robin format followed by a delicious lunch in the ballroom. We will highlight pictures of the festivities and winners in the next issue. Cheers from the Bridge room! BRIDGE BOARD INCLUDES: MJ Olsen (President), Tory Whipple (VP), Julie Wright (Secretary), Carole Fischer (Treasurer),), Kristen Frey (Social), Shannon Kaloper (Social), Genevieve Primos (Communications), Debbie Skubic (Sunshine Rep) Karen Smith (Couples), Beachie Hall (Round Robin), Cynthia Tanner (Duplicate), Melissa Dickens (Marathon), Mare Mills (Beginners)

Upcoming Dates Tuesdays Beginners Play Day 2:30 pm Wednesdays Beginner Lessons Jan 13 (6 weeks) 10:00 am Wednesdays Social or Duplicate 2:45 pm Fridays Couples Bridge 1/month 3:45 pm Tuesdays Continuing Bridge Lesson 1:30 pm We continue to have fun in the Bridge room with players of all levels! If you are interested in learning the strategy of the game, beginner’s classes will start in January! The Ladies Bridge Association is thrilled to announce a 6-week session taught by our own great Lynn Kleifgen. Classes will begin Wednesday January 13th from 10- 11:30 in the Bridge room. The class size is limited to 8 new players to maintain an intimate, informal setting to maximize learning. If you are interested do not wait to sign up. Contact Tory Whipple at The first 8 ladies to register are guaranteed a spot. Lynn Kleifgen is also teaching Continuing Bridge lessons on Tuesday’s at 1:30, open to all Ladies Bridge Association members. New players (or those that need to dust off the cards) are welcome to continue your learning by joining the practice play every Tuesday at 2:30. Such an amazing way to improve and the socializing is always the best. You can be assured of getting great guidance and making lots of new friends or reacquainting with old friends while challenging your game play.

s o c i a l / d i n i n g

Ladies Night Charcuterie Board Class

Wine Dinner: Kerr Cellars Wednesday, February 1 6:30 pm Cocktails & Hour d’oeuvres 7:15 pm Dinner Merion | $165 per person Join us for an exclusive 4 course wine dinner from our executive Chef Eric DaRin. This unique wine experience will feature wines handcrafted exclusively for AAC. Kerr Cellars is a boutique winery. The Napa and Sonoma County wines are made in classic styles inspired by the Burgundy and Bordeaux’s yet with the Californian balance of finesse and opulence. Founder Cristie Kerr, professional golfer, handcrafted our one of a kind, limited release, 125th anniversary portfolio exclusively for the Atlanta Athletic Club. This lineup will be showcased and paired with additional world class wines. Reservations Opens January 3rd at 10:00 am and can be made online or by contacting our Concierge at 770-448-2166.

Wednesday, January 25 6:00 – 8:00 pm 1898 House $65 per person Guests are Welcome

Come out for a special night with our Executive Chef Eric DaRin, while he goes over step by step instructions on how to create a beautiful charcuterie display. Each guest will receive the ingredients for this unique hands on experience and can take home their entire display for their friends and family to enjoy. Reservations will open January 3rd at 10:00 am and can may be made online or by contacting our Concierge at 770-448-2166.

Chef ' s Pop Up Dinner

Location: Secret Date: January or February $125 per person

Look out in the club connections for the date. It will be announced the week of the dinner. Reservations can may be made by contacting our Concierge at 770-448-2166.

Merion Attire

L IVE MUSIC Featuring: Brian Wiltsey January 20th 6:00-9:00 pm Interlachen Lounge

This event will be limited to the first 12 people to sign up. We will send a notification with the meeting location. The event kicks off at 6:30 pm with a specialty cocktail and passed hors d’oeuvers. Dinner will be held is a top secret location on site. Chef will curate the 4 course meal based off an exciting theme.

s o c i a l / d i n i n g

L IVE MUSIC Featuring: OM February 17 6:00 - 9:00 pm Interlachen Lounge

Valentine’s Dining in Merion Tuesday, February 14 6:00 – 8:30 pm

Rendezvous with your sweetheart in the Merion for our Valentine’s themed menu that will delight your taste buds. Dining Guidelines • The Merion will feature a pre-fixed four course menu. • Dining reservations are required for limited seating between 6:00 – 8:30 pm • Reservations are required and may be made by contacting the Clubhouse Concierge at 770-448-2166. You may also e-mail Audra Lucas at

Mixology Bourbon Wednesday, February 22 6:30 – 8:30 pm 1898 House $55 per person Impress your friends with your perfect cocktail making skills! We are bringing back master bartender, Erin Lyngse, showing everyone step by step instructions on how to create 3 fantastic cocktails. She will go into the history of the drinks, and the liquors you taste. Included in this event: • 3 full sized cocktails you can enjoy during the class • A new set of impressive skills • Tapas style appetizers inspired by each drink Reservations Opens January 24 at 10:00 am and can be made online or by contacting our Concierge at 770-448-2166.

Save the Date! Southern Sunset Soiree - May 6 - at East Lake Country Club

Look for your special AAC 125th invitation in the next Club Times issue.

Upcoming Event March


tennis NOTES FROM JEFF CHANDLEY Director of Tennis

strive to meet each players needs when it comes to this growing sport. We had many successful events in 2022. Our annual Holiday events and Davis Cup on Memorial Day sold out. The LTA Member/Guest sold out in 6 minutes! We were able to fill the two-day event with 135 players. What a great event and a special thank you to our committee, Lisa Mannion, Julie Wright, Shannon Collins, Katherine Malone and Lori Morlan. With the celebration of the club’s 125 anniversary this year we have two special events that will be spotlighted for those celebrations. We are bringing professional tennis back to the AAC tennis courts May 8 – 14. We will be hosting the USTA Atlanta Women’s Professional Clay Court Championships. This is a $100,000 prize money event, that will bring some of the top international players to compete. We will have other special events that coincide with the event, look for details in our tennis publications. In September, we have a fun new event that will align with the club’s other anniversary celebrations over the Labor Day weekend. We are planning a charity event and will have both members playing and watching local professionals compete in a fun format. The event is a Tennis Jai Alai and a fun interactive for the members and players. I hope this will turn into an annual event for the club and local professionals. I also want to thank our tennis committee from this past year as we end up the year. The support of Kevin Case and Scott Levy at the board level has been such a huge help. I have felt confident that the tennis program has been reported with great support to the board. Thank you to

all our committee members. If you are interested in participating in the tennis committee, please send me your contact information. Winter brings multiple days of freezing weather which causes our clay courts to freeze. Many times, early in the morning, they will look as if they are playable because the frozen water is under the clay surface material. That is deceiving because as the sun hits areas of the court, it will begin to thaw, and the water expands and rises to the surface. This makes the courts unplayable for several hours, if at all, depending on the evaporation of the water and the sun moving across the courts. You will see the maintenance staff has rolled up the windscreens on the Southside of the courts. This is to help the sun’s ability to reach as much of the court as possible. The main thing for this is that the clay courts may not be playable in the early mornings during this time of the year. The staff will do everything they can to have your clay court ready, but when courts are not playable, they will be posted, and the nets will be lowered to keep players from trying to use the courts. Gentle reminder to all members: We have a strict cancellation policy for courts, lessons, and events. Our court reservation cancellation policy is 8 hours before the reservation time or the member will be charged a $22 fee. This also applies to those on the Indoor Court Plan. During this time of the year, when indoor courts are in high demand, it is not feasible for courts to be underutilized when others are wanting to play. You can always use the AAC App to cancel your courts. For events and lessons the cancellation policy is 24 hours. Thank you for your understanding.

It’s that time of year where I get to reflect on the past year and let you know what’s in store for 2023. Tennis and Pickleball continue to grow at the AAC. I know I say this every year, but it’s true and the numbers show it. League play drives so much of what our members seek in their tennis hours. This past year we filled 160 teams that competed in ALTA (91), USTA (55) and Pickleball (14). And, we had numerous teams winning the City Championships. I’m so proud how enthused the members are and their willingness to compete in a variety of leagues. Ladies ALTA with 54 teams is a lot to manage and I am thankful for Carmen Garcia Jersild and her organization of the lady’s program. She is an important part of the tennis centers’ leadership team. Mixed Doubles is our second group and is led by Seth Redelheim. He continues to promote and grow interest in the league. Pickleball remains the fastest growing racquet sport in the country. We have seen the classes and open play programs burst at the seams with new players. Pickleball 101 and 201 are a great way for players to be introduced to the game and meet players of like ability to start building our pickleball community. Enock Godi continues to

t e n n i s

Strickland, Julie Townsend, Megan Wakefield, Sarah Wakefield.

WOMEN’S TENNIS Congratulations to our AAC teams who were ALTA CITY FINALIST this past 2022 Fall season! Great season

ladies, you made the tennis program proud! CITY FINALIST AA-2 Thursday Team Captains: Kelly Boling and Gretchen Levy

Roster: Suzanne Beaty, Natalie Blalock, Debi Doverspike, Jessica Dreher, Denise Fisher, Kathy Cowley, Lindsay Head, Courtney Izquierdo, Leigh Jackson, Sveta Klimashonak, Christi Luskin, Bard Scott and Lindsey Sprinkle-Shaver.

DEADLINE COMING UP! The ALTA deadline to register the teams is Thursday, January 19. Spring 2023 Captains should not accept new players for their team unless it has been communicated to Carmen (league coordinator) and to the team captains involved. Etiquette reminder when switching from current team to another team at AAC. • Consult and discuss the move with your coordinator (Carmen Garcia-Jersild). • Inform your current captain and thank them for their hard work. • We ask that you follow these two simple steps when switching teams, just out of respect for the captain’s and coordinator’s hard work in creating the team, assuring that everyone has a team to play in and that the teams have enough players season to season. DOUBLES STRATEGY SESSION Coordinate a tennis session focusing on doubles strategy with two or three tennis friends with any of our coaches. This type of class is great if you usually play with the same partner and you want to make your partnership the best it can be. We can define your partnership’s strengths and weakness, and help you maximize your wins by improving your communication with your partner on the court. Feel free to reach me at or any of the other coaches to get you set up. ALTA SEASON IMPORTANT DATES: Senior Ladies

CITY FINALIST and DIVISION WINNER B-7 Thursday Team Captains: Lauren LeFevre and Erin Rhatigan Roster: Tina Ballon, Ann-Corley Butts, Lindsey Conwell, Ellen Duncan, Whitney Eddy, Aimee Flores, Ann Hoerner, Elli Mays, Natalie Otting, Jenny Pham, Candace Smith, Jeanette Smith, Michelle Wolfe and Brooke Wooten.

First week of matches: March 14 Last week of matches: April 25 Thursday Ladies First week of matches: March 16 Last week of matches: April 27 Sunday Ladies First week of matches: March 19 Last week of matches: April 30

CITY FINALSIT and DIVISION FINALIST C-6 Sunday Team Captains: Helen Haberstroh and Leslie Stalder Roster: Alicia Brooke, Tory Cheeley, Cheryl Crouch, Angie Davis, Caroline Dorsey, Jessica Dupree, Karen Gipson, Lucy Gray, Mary-Stokes Koller and Jennifer McNeil, Kristen Mitchell, Teresa O’Leary, Bethany Powell, Caitlyn Sentenac, Tara Shaia, Mary Kat Smith, Kathy

t e n n i s

L-R - Dave Strickland (Capt.), Rob Heusel, Enock Godi, Todd Kohout, Tray Traynor, Michele and David Williams Other team members included: Kristi and Ryan Den- bow, Bill Grubbs, Gary Heusel, Stacy Montagner, Randy Moore, Jeff & Shannon Neuber, Craig & Mary Ramsey, Jeremy Shaia, and Beth Strickland. Pickleball Events AAC PICKLEBALL WEEKLY OPEN PLAY Every Tuesday Evening 6:30 – 9:00 pm LET’S PLAY! No Charge Registration is not required NEW YEAR PICKLEBALL NIGHT Friday, January 20 6:30 – 9:00 pm VALENTINES PICKLEBALL NIGHT Friday, February 17 6:30 – 9:00 pm LEVEL 1: PICKLEBALL BEGINNER CLASS, 90 MINUTES FOUR-WEEK SESSION: During the 90 minutes, you will learn the rules, the basic game play, how to effectively hit the ball, maintain a rally and keep score. This clinic is only $110 for the full session (4 weeks) and includes a PICKLEBALL paddle. By the end of the session, you will have the fundamental knowl- edge and skills to start playing PICKLEBALL. Contact me to register at LEVEL 2: PICKLEBALL CLASS, 90 MINUTES FOUR WEEK SESSION: This class is a 4-week session, each week will help you improve and gain new skills by playing a variety of drills. You will learn dinking techniques, returning of serves, third shot drop, paddle position, blocking at the line and targeting. Skill levels will be split up to maximize learn- ing. The cost is $115 for the full 4-week session. Contact me to register at

MEN’S TENNIS Congratulations to the Atlanta Athletic Club Men’s A-1 Alta team for winning the City Finals Championship in November! This incredible group of men rebounded from a tough spring season, coming up short of making it to the playoffs by a single point. Not only did they win their division in the fall, these great players vanquished all challengers in the playoffs to bring home the Alta Champions Plate. Led by the resolute David Clough and co-captained by the hard charging Randy Moore, the AAC Men’s A1 team needed all hands on deck to secure the title on the day of City Finals. In one of the longest City Final Matches in recent memory, our champions fought long and hard to seize the victory late in the afternoon with the last line of players. Bravo men, and well done! Thanks to all the players for your steadfast efforts to bring home Champion’s Trophy! Roster: Captain David Clough, Co-Captain Randy Moore, Kevin Case, Michael Domenicone, Ricky Doverspike, Brian Duva, Adam Gleklen, Enock Godi, Aleks Huryn, Humberto Izquierdo Jr., Tom Kiser, David Kleckner, Todd Kohout, Edward Koller, Scott Levy, Jeff Miller, Powell Porter, Michael Prindle, Craig Ramsey, Jimmy Reardon, Kevin Reardon, Seth Redelheim, Lloyd Thomas, Tray Traynor, Trey Walston, David Williams, Michael Wrigley Pickleball AAC PICKLEBALL TEAM TAKES SEASON TITLE! The Intermediate PICKLEBALL team captained by Dave Strickland and Tray Traynor dominated in the League Championship last week taking 8 of 9 points.

Great season finishing 2nd and then dominant in the playoffs. Pictured below is the lineup participating in the finals.

Junior Tennis START JANUARY 7

JUNIOR TENNIS CLINICS Registration is open! Session III November 28 – January 16 Session IV January 30 – March 6 Mommy & Me: Monday and Wednesday 3:30 – 4:00 pm Pre-Rally: Monday and Wednesday 4:00 – 5:00 pm Red Ball 3: Monday and Wednesday 4:00 – 5:00 pm Red Ball 2: Monday and Wednesday 4:00 – 5:00 pm Red Ball 1: Tuesday and Thursday 4:00 – 5:00 pm Orange Ball 3: Monday and Wednesday 4:00 – 5:30 pm Orange Ball 2: Monday and Wednesday 4:00 – 5:30 pm Orange Ball 1: Monday and Wednesday 4:00 – 5:30 pm Green Ball 2: Tuesday and Thursday 4:00 – 5:30 pm Green Ball 1: Tuesday and Thursday 4:00 – 5:30 pm Yellow Ball 2: Monday and Wednesday 5:30 – 7:30 pm Junior Tournament Team:

Keep your eyes open for the future stars of the tennis program. Our players in the Junior Tennis Program will be taking what they have been working on in their clinics and applying it on the court in a competitive situation. The season starts January 7 and runs for 7 weeks. THE TEAMS WE WILL BE HOSTING ARE: 8U Golub/Arbie 10U Shaver/Sancheti 12U Salkin/Davis 14U Denbow/Sancheti 18U Luskin/Arbie

Monday 6:30 – 8:30 :00 Tuesday 5:00 – 7:00 pm Thursday 5:30 – 7:30 p.m.

youth activities

Day Camps NEW YEAR CAMP January 2 & 3 | 9:00 am-3:00 pm Full Day: $75 Half Day: $40

Stefanie Arrington 770-448-2166 ext. 7109

2023 has begun! Let’s ring in the new year with a ton of fun and friends! Games, Challenges, Crafts and More, await your kids at Timbers! FROSTY FEST

Happy New Year! We have some excited things planned for 2023 for the young members of AAC! Don’t let you kids miss out on any of the fun! Follow us on our Facebook page to stay up to date on all we are doing!

January 16 | 9:00 am-3:00 pm Full Day: $75 Half Day: $40

Come enjoy a day of Frosty Winter games and activities! I can guarantee a snow ball fight! WINTER WONDERCAMP February 20 & 21 | 9:00 am-3:00 pm Full Day: $75 Half Day: $40 We would love to be walking in a WINTER WONDERLAND! But we will take a WINTER WONDERCAMP! Sign your kids up for two days of winter themed fun! Save the Dates! SUMMER CAMP REGISTRATION OPENS FEBRUARY 1ST May 30-June 2 | Under Construction June 5-June 9 | Lego Camp

Timbers Drop-In Care Hours $10 PER HOUR FOR ALL AGES 0-12. GUESTS ARE $12 PER HOUR SUNDAY

12PM-6PM 8AM-7PM 8AM-5PM


CLOSED JANUARY 1ST Please remember that under Georgia State Law, we are only permitted to have children in the Timbers for no more than 4 hours a day/ 10 hours a week. In case of an audit by the state, we could lose our permit to operate if we are not following these rules. This does not apply to “Events”, such as TGIF which is why we are trying to offer more events in lieu of drop in care, so you are able to utilize the timbers even more! While we understand certain circumstances will arise from time to time, and we are willing to give some grace, there will be a $20 fee per occurrence if these hours are regularly being exceeded. Birthday Parties Do you want to take the stress out of your kid’s birthday party? Let the Youth Activities Staff do all the work! Party planning services start at $250 for two hours of Timbers space time. Other services can be provided. Contact Stefanie Arrington, Youth and Family Activities Director for more information: | 770-448-2166 x 7109

June 12-June 16 | Wet and Wild June 19-June23 | Color Wars June 26-June 30 | Myths and Legends July 3-July 7 | Camp Celebrate July 10-July 14 | S.T.O.R.I.E.S. Camp July 17-uly21 | Wet and Wild 2.0 July 24-July 28 | Christmas in July July 31-August 4 | Cinema Camp

y o u t h a c t i v i t i e s

Weekly Events We need at least 6 kids signed up to have these events. We may cancel 24 hours in advance if there are not enough kids registered. There is a 20% sibling discount for multiple children signed up for the same event. This does not include guests. There are Early Bird Prices that end two days before the event happens. Friday Nights TGIF | 6:00-10:00 PM | $25 | AGES 2-12 Each age group with have activities centered around the movie choice for the evening. The big kids will do their activities in the Timbers Loft or outside as needed and the young ones will do theirs in the downstairs Timbers area or outside as needed. Then we will bring all the children together for eating dinner and watching the movie. Saturdays Dinner ordered separately from Troon. KIDS NIGHT OUT | 6:00-10:00 PM | $30 | AGES 2-5 These Saturday Kids Night Out events will keep your little ones engaged, entertained and even learning. Shhhh… don’t tell them that part. We will have gross and fine motor activities, STEAM activities, and much more! KIDS NIGHT OUT | 6:00-10:00 PM | $30 | AGES 6-12 Events vary each week. Register on the Member Calendar January 14 ENGINEER NIGHT – Bring your little builders to Timbers to explore engineering with us is awesome fun ways! January 28 SPECIAL GUEST NIGHT - Break Dancing! Yes, that is right! Sign your kids up to participate in this fun night of learning Break Dancing! Famous breaker Bboy Crumbs will be here with his crew to demo and teach the kids how to Break Dance. Parents can come back at 9:45 to watch the kids show off all LEGO NIGHT - Come build the night away with the thousands of LEGO bricks we have here! Your imagination is the limit! February 25 VIDEO GAME NIGHT - Loosen up those Thumbs! It’s time for a video game tournament and tons of fun with friends! they learned! February 11

Basketball THURSDAY BASKETBALL CLINICS (Age groupings subject to change with registration numbers) $25($30 for guest) per week Ages 6-7 4:00-5:00 pm Ages 8-9 5:00 -6:00 pm Ages 10-12 6:00-7:00 pm Register on the website by age group Coach Tre will also offer private basketball lessons subject to available times.


One hour sessions $70 / Half hour sessions $45 Small Group Training Also available up to 5 people at same price per person To sign up for these please email to schedule.

YOUTH BASKETBALL WINTER MINI SEASON Saturday Afternoons starting at 1pm. January 28, February 4, 11, 18 &25 Cost: $130 ($155 for guests)

Registration closes January 7th. Teams and Schedules, dependent on registrations, will be announced by January 19th. Email SLA@AAC1.ORG to sign up.

Sunday February 12 B E E MY B E S T I E N I GH T !


Atlanta Athletic Club 1930 Bobby Jones Drive Johns Creek, GA 30097

T H E C LUB T I ME S Published by: Atlanta Athletic Club 770-448-2166


BOA RD OF D I R E CTOR S Kevin Costello , President/Strategic Planning Tim Bentsen , Chairman/Chair, Heritage John Stakel , Treasurer/Chair, Finance Kevin Case , Chair, Athletics / Chair, Tennis

S EN I OR L E ADE R S H I P David Sheppard , CCM - General Manager/COO Margaret Almand – Executive Assistant Tony Kelley – Chief Financial Officer Audra Lucas , CCM – Club Manager Bud Taylor – Director of Golf Jeff Chandley – Director of Tennis James W. Cole – Director of Facilities Management Neil Doldo – Director of Fitness Lukus Harvey – Director of Agronomy Erica Smith – Membership Director Kelsey Payne – Director of Catering Ansley Brackin – Communications Director Gary Wheeler – Human Resources Director

Main/Front Desk.... ..................770-448-2166 General Manager......................770-368-7704 Aquatics....................................770-368-7780 Barber Shop..............................770-368-7748 Catering.................. ..................770-368-7791 Club Manager......... ..................770-368-7705 Communications. .. ..................770-368-7701 Golf Course Maintenance.........770-448-8311 Fitness Center. ....... ..................770-368-7770 Golf Shop................ ..................770-448-8552 Golf Starter............. ..................770-448-7765 Jones Center. .......... ..................770-368-7759 Info. Technology. ... ..................770-368-7742 Membership. .......... ..................770-368-7702 Security................... ..................770-368-7797 Tennis Center......... ..................770-368-7740 The Retreat Spa. ..... ..................770-368-7739 The Timbers. .......... ..................770-368-7783

Scott Levy , Chair, Membership Jason Huggins , Chair, House / Vice Chair, Athletics Jim Kiker , Chair, Golf / Vice Chair, Grounds Andy Dunn , Chair Golf Grounds Laurie Ann Garrett , Vice Chair, House/Vice Chair, Golf Kyle Esmonde , Vice Chair, Finance Milford McGuirt, Vice Chair, Membership David Sheppard , CCM Secretary/COO

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