Club Times March/April 2024

you t h a c t i v i t i e s

Day Camps 10% sibling discounts on day camps

SPRING BREAK CAMP April 1-5 | 10 am-4 pm Full Day: $75 per day | Half Day: $40 Springtime fun for kids ages 2-12. Games, friends, food, crafts, and more!

MARCH MADNESS CAMP March 11-15 | 10 am-4 pm Full Day: $75 per day | Half Day: $40 Come have a ton of fun with us and play some basketball. EASTER CAMP March 29 | 10 am-4 pm Full Day: $75 | Half Day: $40 Celebrate Easter with us while school is out for Good Friday! Kid Fit Tuesday and Thursday Starting March 12 from 3:30-4:15 pm Join us for KID FIT where we will get your heart rate up, work on strength, flexibility, agility, and more!

MONDAY FUNDAY April 22 | 10 am-4 pm Full Day: $75 | Half Day: $40

Want a good time with friends? Look no further! We have all the activities ready for an awesome day!

Youth Yoga Spring Session Mondays for 7 weeks | $126 3:30-4:15 pm

APRIL 8, 15, 22, 29 MAY 6, 13, 20

Join Mrs. Jennifer with for a night of kid friendly yoga! We must have 6 kids to have this class.

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