Club Times March/April 2024

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Ladies Bridge Association

WANT TO READ MORE IN 2024? Join the Ladies' Book Club The Book Club meets in the Ladies Locker Room at 4:00 pm and no R.S.V.P. is necessary. It is open to all women of the club.

Any questions contact Nancy

We said goodbye to 2023 with a very festive luncheon. The participation far exceeded previous years since we have added so many ladies to The Ladies Bridge Association.

The March Read Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt Our March 21st book is, Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt and Stephanie Moody will guide us. The April Read The Lost Book of Eleanor Dare by Kimberly Brock On April 18th we will be discussing, The Lost Book of Eleanor Dare by Kimberly Brock and the author will be present!

The winners from the Christmas competition, Carole Hays, Kristin Frey and Priscilla Smith (one of our instructors).

The Ladies Bridge Association recently began running our Duplicate games using the ACBL “Common Game” allowing us to compete and compare our scores both locally and nationally. Three of our pairs had scores in December ranking them in the TOP TEN nationally for “299ers” (0-299 ACBL masterpoints). Congratulations to Genevieve Primos/MJ Olsen (3rd place), Sharon Perry/Joanne Buzun (6th place), and Connie Kimsey/Whitney Shook (7th place). Lessons continued in January for various levels. From beginners to those that want to advance their game. If you are interested in learning more about bridge, please contact MJ Olsen at, we will schedule additional beginner lessons based on interest.

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