Club Times: July/August

Weekly Events e need at least 6 kids signed up to have these events. We may cancel 24 hours in advance if there are not enough kids registered. There is a 20% sibling discount for multiple children signed up for the same event. This does not include guests. There are Early Bird Prices that end two days before the event happens. Thursday Nights Separate event registration required for each age group STORY NIGHT| 5-8PM | $20 | AGES 2-5 For our youngest members we will have a night of fun engaging storytelling, games and activities that coordinate with a featured reading. THURSDAY NIGHT HOOPS| 5-8PM | $20 | AGES 6-12 Basketball builds strong skills needed for playing basketball as well as helping develop sportsmanship and teamwork. Participants will practice skills within age appropriate groups for a portion of the night. The remainder of the night will be spent engaged in other activities and eating dinner. Dinner ordered separately from Troon. Friday Nights TGIF | 6-10PM | $20 | AGES 2-5 | AGES 6-12 Separate event registration required for each age group. These nights are themed and will have age appropriate activities for each group. More kids =More fun! Pizza dinner included. Saturdays Separate event registration required for each age group KIDS NIGHT OUT | AGES 2-5 | 6-10PM | $25 These Saturday Kids Night Out events will keep your little ones engaged, entertained and even learning. Shhhh… don’t tell them that part. We will have gross and fine motor activities, STEAM activities, and much more! KIDS NIGHT OUT | AGES 6-12| 6-10PM | $25 Events vary each week- Look for these titles on the website for registration. Boys vs Girls Come out for a night of competition! You won’t know the challenges until you get here but you know your will be representing girl power or boy power! Grab your buddies, your BFFs and come have a blast with us! Glow Night Time to glow! Activities and games will be help in the DARK! There will be strobe lights, and glow sticks, and black light fun! STEAM Night Come challenge yourself with these science, technology, engineering, art and mathematic fun activities!

y o u t h a c t i v i t i e s

Escape Night These kid friendly escape rooms will keep the kids engaged and working together to solve the puzzles with their friends! Dinner ordered separately from Troon. Family Events Once a month we are offering awesome family events! These events are for everyone. Check the registration for each of these events for more details! Dive In Movie July 30 | 9-11pm | Free Bring your kids and come enjoy this late night family friendly flick! Bar service, snacks and drinks will be available for purchase throughout the movie. Special Dinner Buffet will be available before the movie. Dinner buffet available from 5:30 p.m.-8 p.m. Dinner buffet pricing: Adults: $15 Children 4-12: $8 Children ages 3 and under are complimentary

Family Fun Fest August 20 | 12-5PM Must purchase tickets to play games.

Come enjoy our very own Family Fest Carnival. There will be lots of fun carnival games to play and prizes to be won! There might even be a dunking booth! Games will cost tickets to play. Tickets can be purchased as charges to your account at the gate. Parents must approve ticket purchases. Most games will earn you prize tokens that can be accumulated to trade for awesome PRIZES!

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