Club Times Digital : October 2021


Weekly Events ** All of these events require registration. There are separate registrations for children 0-5 and 6+ years old. We need at least 6 kids signed up to have these events. We may cancel 24 hours in advance if there are not enough kids registered. SUNDAY Drop-In Care closed, but there will be an event you can register for from 12:30-6:30pm. MONDAY Drop-In Care closed, but you can register for Monday Mom Mixer from 8am to 11am or 12 to 3pm. Moms who register their kids for this can get 20% off same day facials and massages at the Retreat Spa. Appointments must be made in advance. TUESDAY Drop-In Care from 8am to 3pm only. WEDNESDAY Drop-In Care from 8am to 3pm only. THURSDAY Drop-In Care from 8am to 3pm and an event in the evening from 6-9pm. FRIDAY Drop-In Care from 8am to 3pm and an event in the evening from 6-9pm. SATURDAY Drop-In Care closed, but there will be events you can register for from 9am-12 and from 6-9pm. ** We will make adjustments to this as needed. There will be will likely be exceptions, such as school holidays and special events. DAY CAMP Fall Break Camp October 11 and 12 | 9am- 3pm $ 75 For Full Day | $40 for Half Day


We are excited to be entering Fall with the kids here at AAC! We have some awesome events planned for them and we are excited to be able to enjoy the cooler temperatures outside! As always, if you have any questions please feel free to email me or stop by my office in the Timbers Loft! Stefanie Arrington 770-368-7109 | Timbers Drop-In Care vs Event/Camp We absolutely love having your children here with us! Please understand that! However, there are limits we must operate under by Georgia law to be able to continue running. Please be mindful of these limits because we could be audited by the state and we don’t want to lose our license to run Timbers and our other programming. • Children can only be here for a max of 4 hours per day and a total of 10 for the week. • These hours DO NOT include events or camps such as Fun Before 1 and Friday Flicks. • So for example your child can be here Tuesday for drop in for 4 hours, Wednesday for drop in for 4 hours, and Saturday for drop in for ONLY two more hours. They can ALSO be here in the same week for Friday Night Flicks. • There is a 10-minute grace period. After that, you will be charged time and a half. • During drop in care the parent must stay on premises. • During events/camps parents can leave the premises.

We have two awesome days of Day Camp fun for the kids who are out of school! There will be tons of FALL THEMED activities. Registration will be limited! Sign up as early as possible!

SUNDAY FUNDAY HALLOWEEN PARTY October 31st 12:30-6:30 $50 for Full Day | $25 for half

Wear Your costume and come enjoy a day of Halloween tricks, treats, and games!

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