Club Times 2021 November/December

Book Club Upcoming Reads social and dining

Ladies Bridge Association MARK YO UR C A L E NDAR S for our AAC Ladies Bridge Association social Friday December 17 at 9:30am. Please sign up on the AAC website or call the front desk. This is a great opportunity to invite your guest to our wonderful club. The charge for this event is the cost of lunch (amount to be determined by AAC) plus a guest fee of $5. This is scheduled in conjunction with the Christmas buffet which is always a treat. We had overwhelming interest in our series of Beginner Bridge Lessons offered this fall. The class of 32 students filled up quickly and had a long waiting list! Because of this strong interest, we hope to offer these lessons again in the winter beginning in January 2022. Please be on the lookout for announcements if you are interested. We are excited about all these new bridge players and we hope you will join our bridge association! We host activities and bridge games suitable for all levels of players (and we are always looking for new players)! If you are interested in joining the bridge association, please contact M.J. Olsen at or by phone #770-595-8197. Registration applications are located in the Ladies Locker Room bulletin board. Our S O C I A L BR I D G E meets on the second and fourth Wednesdays and DU P L I C AT E BR I D G E meets on the first and third Wednesdays in the Dot Kirby card room at 3:00 PM. We generally have 4 to 6 tables with room for more. Beachie Hall, Social Bridge coordinator, sends weekly invitations to all members of the AAC Ladies Bridge club members each week. The bridge director, Lynn Kleifgen or Cynthia Tanner, will send the request out for players of Duplicate. After play, most players have enjoyed dinner at 6:30 PM in the Troon Grill, some joined by their spouses/ significant others. The staff in the grill have been great to assist our group with reservations to accommodate our diners. C O U P L E S BR I D G E continues the first Friday of each month at 4:00pm with the exception of December. Sandra Evans, Couples Events chairperson, and her husband Tom are great organizers for the event. A dinner buffet immediately follows bridge play in the Oakmont Room. Marathon matches began in August. The game director is Melisa Dickens. Each team is responsible for scheduling one match each month, August through April, while skipping December. The format is 20 rounds of pre-dealt boards played each month and the event is scored as duplicate bridge so there are separate North/South and East/West winners every month, with cumulative winners for the year. There are 14 teams participating this year continuing into April 2022. Think about playing Marathon starting next August! It is a great low key way to improve your bridge and build a partnership.

Our November book is The Four Winds by Kristin Hannah-you will need to have a tall glass of water next to you as you read this one! We will not meet in December, but will resume on January 20th when Joanmarie Wilson will be presenting, The Mystery of Mrs. Christie by Marie Benedict. As always, we will meet in the Ladies’ Locker Room at 4:00 p.m. Any questions or if you wish to volunteer to help present a book contact

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